Year Level News

Foundation News

The Foundation students attended their first incursion last week, all about SUPERHEROES and what it means to use their superpowers, such as kindness, thinking, sharing, creating and listening. The students worked together to build strong self-esteem, self-awareness and a strong sense of community to achieve meaningful relationships with each other. As well as taking home their very own super masks!

Emma McIntosh and Jessica Dijanesic

Foundation Teachers

Year 1 News

Year 1 students have been learning about money and how to recognise, describe, and order Australian coins according to their value. The students have learned that the value of coins is not related to their size and enjoyed discovering the features that appear on each coin. Each student has had fun pretending to be shop keepers and customers in our class shop.  

Karen Abrahams and Teresa Fountain

Year 1 Teachers

Year 2 News

Incursion: Whale Out of Water 

The students in Year 2 enjoyed learning about whales and the importance of looking after these beautiful creatures and the ocean. They even walked through the actual size of a blown-up Humpback Whale. 


 2A Student Reflections

  • Whales have finger bones. Alice S 
  • Scientists can tell one whale from another from tail differences, such as scars, bites, wrinkles and blotches. Bonnie 
  • The Blue Whale is the biggest whale. Lachlan and Sebastian 
  • The Southern Right Whale has sea lice on its head. Owen and Alice X 
  • Blue Whales are the biggest whale and animal in the world. Nathan 

2B Student Reflections

  • All whales and dolphins can be told apart by their fins. Amy
  • The Blue Whale is the size of around 3 buses. Jackson
  • The Humpback Whale weighs 1000 times my weight. Layla
  • Every year a Humpback Whale changes its song. Oliver
  • We need to clean the oceans from rubbish and plastic so the whales don't eat it and get sick. Ruby

Year 5 News 

During the past few months, our students delved into the captivating history of the Gold Rush and the legendary Eureka Stockade. Through thorough research and the TEEL reporting process, they gained a deep understanding of these significant events in Australia's past. 

We have a short History performance coming up in Assembly on the first Monday of Term 3. All are welcome to attend.

Now a quick warning… keep your money firmly tucked into your wallets! In Mathematics, students have been taking a few chances but working out the probabilities of winning card and dice games such as Rock, Paper, Scissors. 


We are incredibly proud of our Year 5 students and their remarkable achievements this Semester. Their dedication to research, their enthusiasm for learning, and their ability to articulate their knowledge have been truly impressive. We have many exciting things coming up next term, including Bike Education.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support throughout the Semester. Wishing you all a joyful and safe holiday.


Melissa Kah and Tim Andrews

Year 5 Teachers

Year 6 News

This Term in Year 6

In Year 6 this term we have been learning about the levels of Government in Australia. We learnt that Australia is a representative democracy in which all Australians over 18 years old vote for people to represent them, and make decisions on our behalf.  There are three different levels:

Level 1 - Local Government

The people in charge of local government are usually called the city council or shire council. Councils are confirmed by state governments to look after the particular needs of a city or local community. The responsibilities of local government include: local road maintenance, garbage collection, building regulations and land, public health and recreation facilities such as swimming pools. Although he is the State Member for Bentleigh, Nick Staikos is Ormond Primary’s Local Member, which is why we see him a few times a year! 

Level 2 - State Government

The State parliament which meets in the Parliament House of the particular state. Each state parliament, except for the Queensland Parliament, is made up of two houses. Their responsibilities are related to anything that can affect the state, for example; justice, consumer affairs, health, education, forestry, public transport and main roads. The leader of a state government is called the Premier, and our current Premier is Daniel Andrews.

Level 3 - Federal Government

The Federal Parliament consists of two houses – the House of Representatives and the Senate. Their responsibilities include anything that can affect the whole of Australia. Some examples are: foreign affairs, social security, industrial relations, trade, immigration, currency, and defence. The leader of the federal government is called the Prime Minister, and our current Prime Minister is Anthony Albanese.


We were also learning how to write persuasive letters, making sure to use convincing arguments and expressive language! With all our new knowledge, we wrote persuasive letters about something that was concerning us in our local area. The year 6’s wrote to Nick Staikos and other local leaders. We finally posted them off to them on the 22nd of June. We will hopefully receive a reply soon!

Gregg Workman, Amy Jones and Nicole Lichoudaris

Year 6 Teachers