Principal's Report 

Kerri McLeod
Kerri McLeod

Highlights of the Term

Congratulations to every member of our school community including our wonderful staff in completing another highly successful term that included highlights such as:

  • Completing our mid-year Annual Implementation Review 
  • Students in Years 4-6 completing the Attitudes to School Survey
  • Visiting performances, excursions & incursions
  • NAPLAN testing
  • School Cross Country
  • Parent/Teacher interviews and formal mid-year reports
  • External swimming program

Staff Professional Learning Update

Our staff have completed a rigorous semester of professional learning and training to ensure we are upskilling and meeting mandatory requirements. The PLC (Professional Learning Communities) across the school continue to analyse data, immerse themselves in professional readings and develop intervention strategies to challenge students with their learning. All teams have been meeting regularly with a clear focus on improving student outcomes and differentiating classroom learning activities to suit the needs of all. Aside from the successes of the PLC process, staff have completed learning modules around safe schools, mandatory reporting and occupational health and safety.

Building Works Update

The community engagement subcommittee had a very productive meeting recently and plans are underway to commence works on improving play areas around the school. We also intend on having a working bee as the weather improves in Term 3. 


The big news is that we will go ahead with the astro turf project with our local member providing substantial funds to ensure we can complete it. This frees up P&F fundraising money for improving other play areas, such as the junior area and equipment in the main yard which needs replacing. Sensory play materials will be purchased to encourage students to discover, explore and get creative in the yard! 


In relation to the main bathrooms, the school has addressed all concerns with work on sensor lights to occur, fresh painting over the break, new hand dryers installed and monitoring to continue in to Term 3 during recess and lunch.


Tuesday this week, we conducted interviews for ongoing positions at our school. We were delighted by the number of applicants who genuinely wanted to be part of the OPS community moving forward with the new strategic plan and into the future. All expressions of interest were of a very high standard! All schools must carefully manage ongoing and contract positions due to staff on leave and the possibility of declining enrolments, which impacts funding. With the creation of a new strategic plan – the school intends to focus on the specific role of a Learning Specialist at OPS. Their role description will be very targeted to ensure we are achieving our goals. This position will be advertised on recruitment online, although internal applicants may also apply.

School Planning

We are currently working in conjunction with a departmental representative on our long-term staffing plan. This includes unpacking potential enrolment figures for the next three years; salary increases and the possible number of grades. Creating a long-term plan helps with budgeting and carefully monitoring whole school finances. A representative from the Department works closely with schools to analyse data, monitor staffing changes, and then strategise. Staffing plans are discussed at consultative and leadership meetings to ensure there is transparency.

Attitudes to School Survey

This term, all students from Year 4 to 6 completed the online version of ‘The Attitudes to School Survey’.

About the survey

The school values student voice as a means for improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction.

The AtoSS is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education and Training to assist our school to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students were asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, bullying and life in general. 

There were also some questions about student health and wellbeing. Understanding health and wellbeing needs is important to support students to learn and thrive at school. The Department provided this addition to the core survey to allow our school to capture this information to support students. Students were asked about resilience, community connections, mental health and physical activity.

How will results be reported?

The survey results will be reported back to the school in an aggregate form throughout the survey period. All survey data that is made available in reports are for groups of students only so that no individual student can be identified. Data suppression rules are used for schools with low student numbers per year level. Our school will share the results of the survey with parents, in documents such as the School Annual Report.

Reporting and Assessment

Finally, reports went live last week and families had an opportunity to celebrate their child’s achievements. The report gave families an indication of how their child is tracking across all key learning areas. The parent teacher interviews were held on Monday, and they provided an ideal opportunity to meet with staff for a discussion around the student’s mid-year results. Lorrie and I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the reports and I thank the staff for their hard work and efforts. I thank Gregg W and Simone (front office) for their involvement in ensuring things ran smoothly and in a timely fashion.

Extracurricular Activities at OPS

At our school, we will be offering a number of clubs and additional activities. Many of these will be run by students and staff during their lunch breaks. The sporting and art activities are always popular. As well as these, board games, gardening, lego and other organised clubs will be available to both senior and junior students in Term 3.

EVERYDAY Counts – Preparing for Next Term

When your child comes to school every day, they will achieve their best. Here are some tips for helping your child turn up, achieve more and maintain a good attendance habit: 

Let your child know it is important to go to school every day. One of the best ways to encourage your child to go to school every day is to talk about school in a positive way. Tell your child it is important that they go to school, even on special days like their birthday or the last day of term. Occasionally, your child may need to stay home from school - they might be sick, or there might be serious family matters you have to attend to (such as a funeral). While these kinds of events are unavoidable, other events such as shopping trips, holidays, visiting family and friends, or appointments such as haircuts can be scheduled out of school hours. Create routines for your child. Help your child get organised and prepare for their school day. Set a regular bedtime and morning routine. Encourage them to lay their school clothes out the night before and pack their bags in advance so they can get to school on time. 

Enrol Now for 2023 

We are definitely encouraging families to submit their 2024 enrolments forms as soon as possible in readiness for transition activities. Forms can be collected at the office. If you have a child turning 5 by April 30, 2024 - please complete an enrolment form and bring in a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunisation record and we will process the enrolment immediately. It helps us enormously with planning, if we have a clear indication of enrolments as early as possible.

Early Dismissal 

The school term will end on Friday June 23rd with a final assembly in the hall at 2 pm followed by a 2.30pm finish. Please make sure your children are picked up on time. 


Term 3 starts on Monday July 10th. 

On a personal note...

Finally, a big thank you to the community and staff for the support offered to me during an incredibly challenging term on a personal level. Your heart felt words, flowers and hugs were much appreciated!


Please have a wonderful break and stay safe. Happy holidays to all! 


Kerri McLeod
