Around the Grounds

Athletics Carnival

Our Athletics Carnival is fast approaching and will be held on Thursday 29th June at Donnelly Fields. 

Please note the following points;

  • The carnival is classed as a school day and the same rules and expectations regarding behaviour and attendance apply as they would at school.
  • Students DO NOT come to school. They are to go straight to Donnelly Fields. The school will be closed as all staff will be at the carnival.
  • The school buses have been instructed to drop off and pick up the children from the Carnival at Donnelly Fields. There will be a designated bus zone, please do not park between the bollards.
  • We will be running the 800m first this year at 8:30am. If your child would like to compete in this event please ensure they are there before 8.30am to marshal.
  • There will be no 100m finals this year. All heats will be timed and final placing will be awarded according to these heat times. We have made this change due to the carnival running over time in recent years with increased participation from students.
  • Each age group has been allocated a Staff member who will be supervising the group throughout the day. Students must stay with their group leader at all times. Parents are welcome to sit in the house areas with the students, but please do not take them away. 
  • Students compete in the age they turn this year, regardless of when their birthday is.
  • Students and parents are not permitted in the busy recording/timekeeping area and should use extreme caution crossing the track.
  • There will be a sausage sizzle, snacks and drinks available to purchasePlease ensure children have packed enough food and water for the entire day. Parent helpers will also need to bring a packed lunch or take advantage of the BBQ. Unfortunately we are unable to offer a coffee van this year.
  • Children will need to bring plenty of water, as well as sunscreen and a hat. Children requiring Asthma puffers should take these with them to the carnival.
  • Children should wear coloured clothes representing their house or school sports uniform. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS!
  • If using coloured zinc/hairspray please apply at home and do not bring it to the Carnival.
  • Diocesan Athletics - There are qualifying times, distances and heights to be eligible for Diocesan Athletics. We can also only enter a set number of competitors for each event. For 100m the age groups are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years. For all other events the age groups are Juniors (8, 9, 10 years combined), 11 years and 12 years. 
  • There will be a nomination form early next term for those students who wish to be considered for selection in the 1500m.

NSWCPS Cross Country

On Tuesday 13th June, 5 students travelled to The Sydney Equestrian Centre to compete in the NSWCPS Cross Country.

Nick Doyle, Josh Spinks, Lara Torrens, Maggie Brown and Will Stevenson successfully gained selection into the Diocesan Team after coming in the top 6 runners of their age groups at the Diocesan Cross Country.

They all ran extremely well, with special congratulations going to Josh Spinks who qualified for the Polding Team to compete at the PSSA Cross Country in July.

Josh Spinks
Josh Spinks

Toni Palmer Memorial- Rugby League

Next Wednesday, 28th June, a team of 14 boys from Years 5 and 6 will travel to Inverell under the watchful eye of Mr Adam Mooney to compete in the Toni Palmer Memorial Rugby League Competition. This is a pathway opportunity to the Independent and Catholic Primary Schools Challenge. The Northern semi-final is held in Port Macquarie (date TBC). The winning team will progress through to this game.

NSWPSSA Rugby League

Gus Simpson is currently in Wagga Wagga as a member of the Polding Rugby League Team. It is a huge accomplishment to progress through the school pathway to this level. We hope he is having a great time.


This weekend, Nash Groth, George Russell, Sam Davies and Gus Simpson will travel to Forbes as part of the Diocesan Rugby Team to compete at the NSWCPS Rugby Championships. We wish them good luck.