Parents and Friends

Welcome Back to Term 3

We are looking forward to a wonderful term 3 with lots of fun things planned. We have Fun lunches, Father’s Day, Chips and Popcorn – and who knows what else we will add in!! With all of these great initiatives, we do need helpers so please let us know if you are keen to assist. 


The Parent’s and Friend’s Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the Community Room in the evening. If you are keen to get involved, we would love to see you there. Everyone is welcome. 

Please contact the committee at if you’d like more information or have any questions at all. 


Wonder Recycling Rewards


Thank you to everyone that brought in bread bags for recycling. We were able to fill FOUR big boxes to return for points. This WONDERFUL initiative allows our PE team to turn those points into equipment for school. Thank you!!




Cheer Toastie Truck

Make sure to watch out for the AMAZING 

Cheer Toastie Truck fun lunch form that will

 come home next week. The Cheer Toastie Truck will be at school on the 11th of August. 




Father’s Day 



SAVE THE DATE – Father’s Day is this term. The Father’s Day Stall will be on Friday the 1st of September. We are all looking forward to the Father’s Day fun!! 




A reminder that all volunteers and helpers at SFS must have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC). These checks are very easy to apply for, and are free for volunteers!


Fun Food Friday at SFS – Chips and Popcorn!



Chips and popcorn are on sale at first lunch every Friday for $1. Please remember to give your child money if they are allowed to purchase.


If any parents would like to join the roster to sell chips/popcorn, please email


You’ll be rostered once or twice per term between 10:45 am – 11:15 am and your kids will love seeing you at school!


Remember to join our Facebook page to get lots of useful information, reminders, copies of forms and to ask questions to other parents within our school community.