Learning In My Level 

A celebration of what's happening across the school!

What's happening across the school!


What a fantastic first week we've had back at Rangeview!


All levels have been very busy settling back in and returning to their regular school routines. There has been a balanced combination of fun activities and games to ensure high levels of enjoyment and engagement, and more in-depth lessons exploring new focuses across all areas of the curriculum. 


NAIDOC Week has been revisited by all classes, along with new inquiry units for Term 3. It has also been great to see many classes outside enjoying some (slightly) warmer winter days! 


The most enjoyable part of the week for members of the school leadership team - as always - was getting around to all of the classrooms and checking in with all of the students. We have loved hearing about their holidays, what they are enjoying about being back at school, and seeing all of the wonderful bright faces and smiles!


This term, Learning in my Level will be completed by the our teams in the following newsletters:

  • Friday 28th July - Year 1 and 2
  • Friday 11th August - Foundation
  • Friday 25th August - Year 3 and 4
  • Friday 8th September - Year 5 and 6