Wellbeing & Engagement 

Today is a great day to be you!

Term 3!

Welcome back for another exciting term! 


We hope that all of our wonderful Rangeview families were able to enjoy some additional family time over the school holidays and that all students are returning to school rested and refreshed, ready to resume their learning in Term 3.


We would also like to welcome the many new families who are beginning with us at Rangeview this term. It was a pleasure to meet many of you on the first morning of term earlier this week, and it's been great getting to know your children across the week!

School Values

As a school, our values dictate everything we do. We expect to see all members of the school community modelling and living by these values - especially our students. Our values are:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Learning

At our whole school assembly earlier this week, we spoke about a term 3 focus on RESPECT. 


In a primary school setting, respect can look like:

  • Accepting and valuing differences/diversity
  • Treating everyone with honesty and understanding
  • Using good manners
  • Looking after the school (and all property within the school) with care

Our Year 6s were challenged to be the role models here, and promised to show the rest of our students what respect looks like. We would strongly encourage all families at home to have a conversation with your child/ren about respect and what this means - and most importantly, how we show it to other people.


As we've all heard a million times, it can simply come down to treating others as we would like to be treated. This is the bare minimum we expect from our students.

The Resilience Project

Our core focus on positive mental health and wellbeing support continues this term with the implementation of The Resilience Project in all classrooms. 


It is important to us as a school that we are moving beyond the walls of the classrooms and also supporting our wider school community. Please check out the TRP@Home website, which provides a range of resources, including videos and podcasts, that touch on important topics for the health and wellbeing of adults and families.


Finally, The Resilience Project founder, Hugh van Cuylenberg has recently been featured on Australian Story on the ABC. This half hour episode will provide you with some fantastic insight into the aims of Hugh's work - and what we are doing at Rangeview.


Click here if you are interested in viewing this Australian Story episode.

Parentzone - Free Support Programs

Anglicare regularly run free programs to support us - the parents. We have three new and highly worthwhile opportunities for our school community to participate in, if the topics on offer this term resonate with you and your current situation.


The programs are:

  • Talking Teens - aimed at parents of 12-18 year olds.
  • Dads Matter - aimed at fathers who want to help their child thrive.
  • Parenting Anxious Children - aimed at anyone striving to support a child with anxiety.

Please find the flyers for these programs below, which includes further information and links to register.


Walk or Wheels

Across Term 2, our classes participated in the Walk or Wheels program, which was run by our JSCs. The program encouraged students to walk or ride to school as much as possible during the term, the help improve physical activity levels but also reduce the amount of cars on the road.


We announced our winning classes at the assembly earlier this week, and they were:

  • Junior champions (F-2): FB
  • Senior champions (3-6): 5/6G (back-to-back titles for Mr Godwin's class!)

They are worthy winners of the Golden Boots, and both classes will also receive a special pizza lunch later this term. We also had some individual prizes handed out to students who went above and beyond to walk or ride as much as possible. 


A huge thank you to Whitehorse City Council for their support during the program, including providing all prizes! We are very grateful for their involvement and continued work with our JSC.


Liam Sommers

Assistant Principal

Wellbeing and Engagement