Captains Report 

Hi everyone, 

We are halfway through 2023 so Ms Moore invited us to reflect on the year so far. 












What have I enjoyed? I have enjoyed working with other people such as when we worked with people in Africa for a fundraiser. And also the excursion we went to in the city.I have enjoyed going to the meetings and contributing my ideas to help the school.

I have enjoyed running the Assembly’s and how we went on the excursion.


I have enjoyed speaking at assembly.
What has been a success?

Getting used to talking at assembly

and attending meetings.

Something that has been very successful is Photo Day. Getting used to running assembly as well as trying new strategies to get their attention.Something that has been a success is running assembly and going to our buddy stop job. 
What has been a challenge?A challenge that I have faced was stage fright leading assembly.A challenge I have faced was remembering when all the meetings were taking place. Something that has become a challenge for me was getting the names wrong for the awards A challenge I have faced is doing the strategies in assembly.
What am I looking forward to for the rest of the year?I am looking forward to graduating since I get to do a speech as well.I am looking forward to helping the school with charities and fundraisers.I am looking forward to graduating.I am looking forward to doing a speech at the School Council meeting at the end of the year.

We hope you have a great term break! Stay safe and we will see you in Term 3.








Bastian                              Ryanne










Ayaan                              Alisha