Student Wellbeing

As we now find ourselves in winter with the dark mornings, even earlier dark evenings and we reach the end of Term 2 we have much to celebrate and revisit…
Our Wellbeing Program – Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit
With the introduction of the elective program at Year 9/10, it has allowed us to also expand our Wellbeing program to incorporate 4 periods over the course of our 2-week cycle.
This has allowed us to introduce the four pillars of the program – Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit. We have created a program that the students enjoy and enthusuastically participate in as we focus on developing and nurturing their wellbeing.
We have conducted focus groups and students have reflected on trying new things and enjoying them more than they thought they would. At the same time, the had the opportunity to work collaboratively with others within their cohort.
We have also introduced these pillars into our wellbeing program in Years 7 -12. In Semester 2, we will look to find new ways to explore these within the program.
We look forward to sharing more information with you about the program later on in the year.
Attendance Reminders
We remind all families of the importance of the following in relation to attendance at school.
- Parents/Guardians are to call the attendance line if your child is going to be away on any given day
- If you are sent an SMS because you have not informed the College of the absence please respond with a call to the Office to explain your child’s absence on any given day
- On the students return to school a medical certificate or note to explain absence is to provided fro those in Years 7-10 and a medical certificate for those in Years 11-12
- All absences do need to be explained and in some instances students are given attendance follow up reminders from their homeroom or mentor teacher
- If you are finding it difficult to get your child to school please reach out to the Year Level Leader so we can support you.
Uniform Updates
During the exam period many students have found their school ties which is pleasing.
A few uniform reminders for everyone.
- If you have placed an order for a tie it should be available at the beginning of Term 3 – they are due to the supplier at the end of June
- Many students are wearing the school pants. Students indicate that they are warmer than the skirt. The pants can be worn all year round. However, some students are wearing their tracksuit pants as their winter pants all week. Students will be sent home to change if this occurs.
- Blazers are required to be worn to and from school. Other coats and jackets are not part of the uniform and are not to be worn.
We thank all of those families who support our uniform expectations and remind you all that the school holidays offer a chance to obtain any items they may need replacing.
Rest and Recovery…
With term holidays approaching, and assessments and reports completed for the semester, it is time to rest a little, recover and rejuvenate for Term 3.
Take some time to do this ready to return at the start of Term 3 ready to go again.
Kerrie Williams
Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing