Learning & Teaching

Semester 2 Begins
Semester 2 classes begin for all students on Tuesday 20 June. Semester 2 Timetables, including new Semester 2 Electives, should now be visible on SEQTA Learn and Engage.
Semester 1 Examinations
Thank you to our Year 9, 10 and 11 students for the conscientious way that they have been completing their Semester 1 Examinations. Students should receive their results and feedback before the end of term. Results and feedback should also be available, for students and parents, on SEQTA Learn and Engage. Students should reflect on this and then identify strategies to implement for continued improvement in their examination performance, in future.
It is also important that we follow up with students who have recorded unsatisfactory examination results, as this could have an impact on pathways available at the College. Students with multiple unsatisfactory results will be required to meet with the Senior Certificates Panel (Year 11) or a Year Level Academic Panel (Years 9 and 10). We will work with those students on establishing future goals and strategies, formulating a plan for improvement,and identifying the appropriate future pathway.
Please note that this information, as well as other results in the Semester 1 Reports, will be used when considering students for acceleration studies and suitability for subjects in the 2024 subject selection process. This process will commence at the beginning of Term 3.
Semester Reports
Semester 1 Reports will be published in the first week of the holidays. The Semester 1 Report provides a summary of learning behaviours, progress and achievement over the first semester. This supplements our continuous reporting, through SEQTA, which enables students and parents to access assessment-task results throughout the semester, as they are released. More importantly, feedback is provided in relation to tasks that should enable students to identify where they are presently in their learning, where they want to get to next, and how they will be able to get there. Please take the time to go through the Semester 1 Report and the detailed feedback on SEQTA, with your daughter, identifying strengths and achievements, areas for improvement, and strategies to progress towards future goals.
Based on the Semester Reports, high academic achievers will be recognised through Academic Excellence Certificates, to be awarded early in Term 3. In addition, “Marian Learner Certificates” will be presented to students who have consistently demonstrated exemplary learning behaviours. Our teachers also use assessment data to inform their planning for Semester 2 and to personalise the learning for our students.
Jane Goddard
Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching