Principal's Message

Each June we celebrate the winter solstice in Australia, an astronomical phenomenon that occurs as the Earth orbits the Sun. June 21 is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. At this point of time the earth begins the long, slow turn towards the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The solstice has been observed for many thousands of years and it is a great time to reflect on this event and your connection with the wonders of nature. And the beauty of nature gives us confidence that there is a great deal of good in our world. As the earth turns the length of the dark of night decreases and more light and warmth radiates over us all. And so it is with what we have experienced over this first semester.
If you look back at the calendar for the first half of the year you would see the myriad of activities that students and staff have been able to enjoy. Transition activities for Year 7's, the Learning Pit for Year 8's, the new elective program for Year 9 & 10's, the Leadership Program exhibited by the Year 11 & 12's are just a fraction of what provided much joy and happiness over this part of the 2023 journey. Even this last fortnight has been jam packed with events and happenings including examinations at Year 9 to 12, the Year 9 City Experience Camp, the Year 10 Careers Pathways Program and the Year 12 Retreat. Even though the amount of sunlight each day has decreased slightly, and there have been a few inclement days, the rich and varied program for a student at Marian College has continued to be made available for all to share in a spirit of friendship and hospitality for one another.
After the winter solstice we move into Semester 2 and there are no signs of life being dull. Our diaries, once again, will be filled with life giving opportunities that provide a platform for all to "succeed and flourish." I encourage all students to find that element of school life that is enriching and fulfilling. Not one student can say that "there is nothing here for me here." Encourage them to look in the right places as well as find those others who share their own interests and energy. I thank all students, staff and families for all your contribution to a fantastic first half of the year and I look forward to an equally enjoyable second semester. But first, enjoy the break and some downtime. If travelling please be safe on the roads and look out for one another.
Raymond Pisani