RE and Wellbeing News

Messages from Mr Andrew Butler

Welcome back to Term 3! The staff had a professional development day on Monday and the focus was on School Wide Positive Behaviour. Wellbeing and positive behaviour is linked strongly to effective learning. At St Agatha's we have Three School Wide Expectations:

  1. Respect
  2. Responsibility
  3. Safety

We use these Three Expectations as a common language across the school and you can use them at home to reinforce positive behaviour. They encompass many skills for personal and social learning.

On Monday the staff learnt more about 5 Universals that  promote positive behaviour. They are:

  1. Positive relationships
  2. Effective Communication
  3. Routines
  4. Active Supervision
  5. Use of space eg: learning areas and playgrounds

We aim to support all our students by paying close attention to these universals that support our Three Expectations. At St Agatha's, our staff is committed to 100% of the students 100% of the time. We will continue to focus on these universals to promote positive behaviour and a strong emphasis on effective learning.




The Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Term 3 for students in Year 4 or above who have been baptised and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please note the dates below for the program and sacrament dates.




Wednesday 19th July at 7.00pm Commitment Weekend: 22 nd/23rd July And Wednesday 26th July at 7.00pm Commitment Weekend: 29th July /30th July 


Note: Parents need to attend only One session, no need to bring your child.




Wednesday 9 th August at 5.00pm and 7.00pm Thursday 10 th August at 7.00pm Note: Parents and child need to attend only One session




Sunday 3rd September at 2.00pm Sunday 10th September at 2.00pm




Our new Prayer Garden is now completed! This sacred space will be a focus for prayer and contemplation for classes. The Rosary mosaics, cross and Statue of Mary have been reinstalled bringing together elements of the past with added features. The raised beds help elevate the symbols in the garden. 


Thank you to the STAC Group for supporting the project and to everyone involved. We look forward to seeing the plants grow and thrive; each section representing a liturgical colour and season. It is wonderful to see classes visiting the space and the great questions and discussions students are having about our new Prayer Garden.





Backflips against bullying 


What was it was about


  • ‘Backflips against bullying’ was about how to identify bullying.
  • How to approach the bully if you are getting bullied.
  • It was also talking about how bullying comes in many different forms.
  • Also while phones are a good tool they come with a lot of cons. People can spread rumours whether they're true or not.
  • This program is designed to help kids know more about bullying and how to identify bullying.



What did we learn


  • What I learnt from ‘Backflips Against Bullying’ is that when someone bullies you they just want a reaction so in order to prevent yourself from getting bullied, don’t show a reaction. 
  • Another thing is even if you do want to react, react with kindness. I know it may sound silly but if you do react, only show kindness. Eg: compliment them or start a conversation.
  • A good tip is if you’re getting cyber bullied use ‘eSafety Commissioner’ for help and to ignore or/and block the bully so they can’t offend you anymore.




What we liked about it


  • We liked how they were teaching us in a fun way. We all know that speeches can get a little boring so they thought of an idea to make it fun.
  • They used funny actions and also taught us at the same time about how bullying can start as little as pulling a prank as well as how quickly it can spread.
  • We loved how they did backflips and fun tricks and everyone didn’t even realise they were even learning! ( they even invited us onto the stage to act! )
  • While we were learning, we were also laughing along with that while they were performing everyone in the hall were happy and excited.



By Addison A, Noah M and Scarlett R - Year 6

