Global Studies

Bienvenue aux Term Three Global Studies! 


This term, I have moved over from Performing Arts to teach Global Studies. Students in Prep will have Global Studies on Wednesdays. Grades One and Two will have Global Studies on Tuesdays .  

Over the course of the term, students will be learning about France and French culture. They will also learn basic French language such as greetings, counting and colours.  

So far, students in Grades One and Two have learnt how to say hello, ask how someone is and share how they are, and say goodbye. Prep students have learnt to say hello and respond to the question, “How are you?” 

In addition to this, Prep students will be learning about Australia. The last two weeks we have been learning about the states and territories and famous landmarks. Perhaps you could chat at home about connections you have with different parts of Australia! 


Au revoir! 

Mrs. Warner