
Creativity takes courage....Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


Welcome back and I hope you are excited for Term 3! 


This term is set to be a big one with fairy tale inspired art for our preps, space art for our grade 1/2s, mosaics, clay and fantasy art for the 3/4s and book week art, clay and photography for our 5/6s. 


In week one the preps were printing, creating patterns and prints with sponges as they begin the makings of a fantastic Three Little Pigs piece of art. They had to choose to make a background of bricks, straw or sticks. 


The grade 1/2s made clay pinch pot animals and showed some fabulous skills. There were pigs, cows, bulls, alpacas, cats, chickens and many more awesome creations. These will be fired next week and then we can add the glaze.


The grade 3/4s tiled their surfboards as they embark on their mosaic journey. Everyone was so careful with the tiles and created some stunning tile work. Next week we will experience grouting our tiles before we paint the reverses side of our boards.


 The 5/6s grouted their mosaics which were tiled last term. They are a smaller mosaic, but have given us a good taste of the craft. Moving forward, the 5/6s will be creating book week characters using 2D and 3D elements. The 3D aspect is using a piece of an EGG FREE egg carton shape. These cartons are specifically made for art projects as we are not allowed to use egg cartons from the shops, so there is no need to worry about any allergies whilst using this cardboard. 


A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of the students who have made absolutely awesome Lilydale & Yarra Valley Show Posters for this years competition. It takes a lot of courage to share your artwork with the wider community, so WELL DONE and GOODLUCK to EVERYONE!


Just a small reminder that Art Club will again be running each Thursday during the last play!



Have a wonderful week ahead,


Keep Creating,

Mrs. Granger