School News 


Once upon a time, in a far away land (in the Boorai) 63 little prep students started learning about Fairytales! 

It has been a fantastic start to Term 3 with our new Investigations spaces exploring Fairytales, Puppet Theatre, Castle building, 3D Shapes, crafting table and much more! The overarching theme this term is Social Justice and we are looking at fairness and friendship.  Students will learn that fairness is when everyone has their needs met.   

Did someone hear the fire siren?  No, it’s just the Prep Friendship Firefighters coming!  In Friendology students have been learning how to put out Friendship Fires.  Students have learnt the steps involved in how to put out a friendship fire: 

Retell the situation 

Tell the person how it made you feel 

Continue to talk it out until the fire is out! 

Please use this language with your child and encourage them to talk it out when they have a friendship issue.  The goal is for the students to resolve their friendship fires independently.   

In Science we have enjoyed exploring the properties of different materials and using these materials to create the 4th Little Pig  - oink, oink!  

It was lovely to see all of our families participate in the 3-Way-Conferences and see our Prep students beam with pride sharing their two stars and a wish!   

 Have a great weekend! 


The Prep Team

Allie Harrison, Alarna Creed, Elyce Munnecke and Sally Newton

Grade 1 & 2

A busy couple of weeks of learning for Grade1/2! Thank you to all the families who made time for 3- way conferences. It has been wonderful to celebrate your child’s learning and set goals for Semester 2.


In Reading, we have been looking at the text ‘A Quiet Girl.’ We have used a story map to understand the sequence of the story and looked at the pictures in the text to learn about characters feelings and emotions.


In Writing, we have been practising writing impactful endings and also using our imaginations to come up with different endings to stories we know, like ‘The Three Little Pigs.’


In Maths, we have been learning about money and using our skip counting skills to count collections of money. Students got to pretend they had $20 to spend at a toy shop and choose what they would like to buy.


Have a great rest of the week!


The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Kayla Hartrick, Ashleigh Wilson, Emma Wright, Sam Younes & Daena Hailey 

Grade 3 & 4

Level 3/4 students had another fun filled and busy week of learning. The past two weeks have seen classes become very poetic in Literacy sessions. We have been analysing the language found in a range of poems and been creating a variety of our pieces. This learning will culminate next week when students complete their learning tasks.


This week you may have noticed some paper aeroplanes at home. This was all part of Level 3/4's Inquiry sessions. We have been designing planes to travel distances whilst taking into account aerodynamics, lift and drag! 


We have also started our Science unit learning about materials and their properties. Students enjoyed a 'sensory bag' session where they used their senses to identify unknown objects.


Thank you to all families who braved the cold and attended the three-way conferences. We loved sharing your child's successes and were very proud of the way they demonstrated pride in all they have achieved. 


Have a great weekend!


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Tim Wilson, Hayley Peirce & Sarah Jones

Grade 5 & 6

What a great start to the term we have had. We loved meeting with those parents and carers who came into 3 way conferences and appreciate your support regarding your child's learning. Take a look at what has been going on lately:


Reading/writing: Students have been exploring the figurative language devices used by poets in reading lessons. By identifying the choices used by others, they have been able to use these in their own writing in order to enhance impact and engage their readers. We have also had a go at writing our own Haiku and Limerick some of them below!

Maths: Fractions and decimals have filled our classrooms with the start of our unit looking at comparing and ordering. We have begun a small project focusing on fractions and decimals before taking a deeper dive into percentages next week. 


Science: We have looked at the layers of the Earth and the tectonic plates that create natural disasters. Some of the students took this further by making models of the layers of the Earth. Check them out below!

We also conducted our first hands on experiment using shaving cream (the Earth's crust) and playing cards (tectonic plates) to see what happens when tectonic plates move in different ways.

The Level 5/6 Team

Damien Smith, Megan Pepprell, Brendan Van Haaster and Millie Pinney