Classroom Reports

Foundation & One

In the last few weeks in Mathematics, we have been investigating the concept of subtraction. 

We have been using the term take-away and learning the symbol. We have also been introduced to different strategies we can use to solve subtraction sums. These strategies have included drawings, our fingers, and number-lines. 

This week, we are counting back using a number line. At home, children can practise counting back from 10, 20 or 100. This helps enormously with subtraction, if they can fluently recall these numbers. 


Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher.

Years 1 & 2

We have continued to learn about where we live and why we have connections to different places. We will be great navigators on our next trip around Australia!

In Literacy we have read about and written information reports about sloths. Did you know they love swimming and climb down trees once a week to go to the toilet?

In Maths we have been practising the ‘count back’ strategy when subtracting, and are learning about fact families.

We hope you all have a fantastic long weekend with lots of fun, relaxation and of course, reading!


Mrs McKenzie, Classroom Teacher

Year 3








Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher.

Year 4

We can’t believe that we are almost halfway through our year!   

The last two weeks, our Year 4 learning environment has been a hive of activity!  

In Inquiry, Year 4 students have worked hard to build their balloon powered cars – ready for testing this week.  It has been wonderful to see students work together to help with car designs, offering suggestions and problem solving when things don’t quite go to plan.  An awesome effort all-round!  

We have continued to enjoy our visits to the Library, enjoying some of the amazing books on the shelves!  Year 4 were even lucky enough to have a little visit from Yindi during one of our Library sessions.  She enjoyed the calm atmosphere and was happy to sit with students while they read.  

On Fridays, we have been exploring measurement with the Grade 5/6 classes. This fortnight we have been exploring the different ways to measure items at school – the cubby house, the front lawn and even Miss D! It has been a wonderful experience for the Year 4’s to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with the 5/6 students.  

As we near the holidays, students are reminded to keep up with their homework tasks as a way to further-develop their learning.   


Miss Anderson, Classroom Teacher.

Year 10

A few weeks of hard work and study have hopefully paid off for our year 10 students, as our exam period has come to a close. Year 10 exams were designed to give students a taste of the pressure that comes with revising a whole semester's learning for multiple subjects, which for many will become the norm in coming years. A number of our students took up the challenge and showed off what they've learned so far this year. 


In the final week of the term Year 10s are on work experience. Students recently called their new employers to introduce themselves and did a fantastic job speaking on the phone and asking questions. All are looking forward to their work placements, with most getting their first choice. We can't wait to hear how they go. 

Sianna Thomas
Blake Farnsworth
Sianna Thomas
Blake Farnsworth

Mr Iser, Mr Merritt and Mrs Barker, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers.

Year 11 & 12 

Student Profiles

Starting with today’s edition, we have decided to profile our VCE students in the Newsletter so that the whole school community can get to know them all better. We start today with two Year 12 students of outstanding character: Neve Nisbet and Zen Joyner.


Neve Nisbet

Age: 17

VCE subjects studied: English, General Math, Business Management, Math Methods (2022) and Equine Studies (2022)

Neve is looking forward to a career in business and aims to own her own home and business within the next 10 years. She has a wide range of interests outside of school including horse riding, coaching Wedderburn U15s hockey, playing women’s hockey for Wedderburn and playing U18s football for Eaglehawk. 

She counts amongst her greatest achievements so far (apart from completing and surviving Math Methods!) winning School Sports Victoria State Hockey in 2018. Neve feels that anything she has done with her horses has been a great achievement outside of school and her interest in animals and farming is demonstrated in her love for the board game “Squatter”. She complains that no one will ever play with her because it takes up to six hours to finish a game!

Neve’s greatest role model is her Pa because he never gives up and is determined. She believes that they are very similar in that way.


Zen Joyner

Age: 18

VCE subjects studied: English, General Maths, Business Management, History (Revolutions), Health and Human Development

Zen is one of our school captains this year and has proven himself to be very capable as a public speaker by winning the Jill Millie Public Speaking Competition in 2022 and running numerous school assemblies alongside his counterpart Eliza Turnbull.

Zen is an avid AFL fan and has reported that in his spare time he enjoys “watching Carlton fans cry”. One of his greatest achievements outside of school was making an interleague football squad. Zen sees himself having a career as a finance consultant in the future or even a teacher. In ten years time, Zen would like to be working in a good job and travelling overseas. 

One of Zen’s greatest role models is the athlete Charles Oliveira as he has a great story and has faced adversity his entire career. Zen is a quiet and unassuming lad (Lol) and claims that he is “the best pizza chef in Inglewood! We should all put him to the test sometime.


Mrs Ritchie, Mrs Woodman and Mr Gretgrix, Year 11 & 12 Homerooms Teachers

PE News - Mr P & Miss Milne

Primary PE

Over the next few weeks, we will be completing our Athletics Practice in the lead up to our Annual House Athletics Sports (less than four school weeks away). This will be taking place both at the College and at Donaldson Park. A big thank you to our VM students who have displayed excellent leadership by taking some of the rotations already. We are very lucky to have such great leads at our college.


Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the Fortnight is:  Zane Polkinghorne. Zanehas been an excellent role model of our expected behaviours. Zane always tries his best, assists others with their skills and is a great sports person. Well done, Zane!


Mr P’s Secondary Student of the Fortnight is:    Scott Reid. Scott has had a fantastic semester, completing both Year 10 H&PE as well as Unit 1 VCE PE. Scott got his results back for his end of Unit 1 Exam, achieving a pleasing result. Scott has quietly achieved great things this semester. I look forward to seeing him progress and grow even more in semester 2. Well done, Scott.  


Homework Club

Last week Wedderburn College launched Homework Club. On Wednesdays at lunchtime in Room 11, students can drop in and work in a quiet, warm space. They can work independently or get help as required. As this is a voluntary program designed to give students an opportunity to catch up, own their learning, or get ahead, Homework Club is a chance for students to demonstrate our core values of Responsibility and Resilience. It was great to see almost half of our Year 10 students take up the opportunity last week & we're hoping to see many students from other grades in the future.  

End of Semester Reports

All students will receive their End of Semester report on Friday 23rd June, last day of term two. Parents are encouraged to read their reports with their child.


The reports give students and parents feedback on progress and achievements that have been made across the semester.

This is important to celebrate. Each subject report also gives focuses and learning priorities for your child for next semester.

Taking an active interest in your child’s learning through conversations at home is important for their continuing progress.


Learning Conversations will be held in week 3 of next term for parents and students to attend to discuss in more detail the outcomes of the first semester and set goals for the remainder of the year.


If you have any questions regarding the reports, please contact Danny Fowles at the college.



Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.