Assistant Principal's 


Mr Lockhart

Uniform - A School Highlight

Our students excel at wearing their uniform correctly and as a school we are very grateful for this.  At our whole school assembly yesterday both visiting guests commented that all students are in school uniform and they were visibly impressed. Well done everyone.

As winter deepens students may require more clothing to stay warm, students can wear garments underneath their uniform, if visible it must be navy blue.  Also, just a reminder that no hoodies are allowed. 


'I will be an upstander' is one or our expected behaviours on our SWPBS Matrix – we want all our students not to be bystanders but upstanders.  Be brave and stand up for a fellow student when you see unwanted behaviour. At every assembly we recite our upstander pledge:

Upstander Pledge

I am an Upstander

I have the power to influence my peers

I say something or do something when you need help

I am there for you

I will help you get the help you need

You are not alone

I have your back


As you sit around your family table at tea time, please take up the discussion on being an upstander.  How important this is in preventing bullying at our school.

Primary School Basketball Competition

Our primary school basketball competition is in full swing, just a reminder that Years Foundation to Year 3 play every Tuesday lunchtime and Years 4 to 6 compete on Thursdays.  If students still want to play and are not in a team, please encourage them to turn up and we will put them in a team.