School Captains Update

What a great Term 2! There have been so many opportunities for us as students, academically and in sports. The Year 12s have begun the countdown until the end of school with most subjects already well into Unit 4. Well done to all the 10 and 11s who completed their exams last week. 


We just wanted to give you a quick recap of everything we have been up to this term. The Year 10 and 11s had their retreat which is always a great opportunity to get to know your peers and reflect on the school motto of ‘strength and kindliness’ along with this year's theme of courage. 


The Year 12 leaders were privileged to meet some prospective families of Year 7s for 2024. It was a great evening to showcase our school. 


It has been a great term in our sporting area. Moore House came out on top in cross country (obviously)! We had teams compete in soccer, football, tennis, cross country and swimming. With most coming out with wins. Overall every participant had fun on their sporting adventures. 


The leaders have organised not one, but two, Year 12 vs teachers games. There was a multi-round downball tournament, with a heated final where ultimately Hugh Byrne came out with the win. 


For Reconciliation Week there was a game of Buroinjin held during the Brigidine lunch break. It was a great event with a BBQ and soft drinks for sale. It was amazing to see the students surround the court and cheer on the teams. The Year 12 Leaders came away with the win, of course - the teachers never really stood a chance. Overall it was an awesome lunch-time and the leaders certainly hope to organise other events like this. 


The Student Leaders were privileged to have Troy Walker speak to us during Reconciliation Week about his encounters with racism growing up and how it has affected him and his family. We had meaningful discussions about how we can implement more reconciliation initiatives in the school, classroom and yard. 


It is really important to give a shout out to our Social Justice warriors, especially the Year 11s who were essential in organising the Buroinjin game. Also to Jaida Bourke and Renee Gould who are always willing to help. 


Some of our Year 11 students are taking part in Echuca Moama Shave (pictured below). They will be undertaking the big chop next week.  Please support them in this courageous act, you can learn more information on their instagram @echucamoama.shave. 


Finally we would like to say good luck to the Year 7s who are set to move to the Kildare Campus next term! We will see you at athletics, have fun and enjoy all the new facilities out at the new campus.


Jack Anderson and Mara Looney

St Joseph's College Captains