Congratulations to Glen Chelsea on their Exceeding Result

Glen ChelseaKindergarten receives an exceeding result for high-quality education and care!
We are thrilled to announce we have received a rating of EXCEEDING the National Standard for Education and Care at Glen Chelsea Kindergarten! We have consistently achieved this result for 10 years, demonstrating that high quality practices are genuinely embedded in all that we do. Congratulations to the Glen Chelsea Team (Educators and Leaders) on achieving a rating of EXCEEDING the National Standard for education and care, in all 7 areas!
The assessment involved the review of documentation, observation of interactions and an extensive discussion regarding practice. The assessor highlighted our commitment to high quality practices and meaningful relationships with children and families. Below are the highlights of the report.
Children and Families:
The service took pride in ensuring that all decisions were made with the children's best interests in mind. Educators recognised that children learn through prolonged periods of investigation and exploration, as well as active engagement in both planned and spontaneous experiences. This was further facilitated through planned incursions to bring new learning opportunities for children to the service. Educators had critically reflected on ways in which the learning environments could promote cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and celebrate Indigenous cultures. Educators drew on the voices of families and their local community to develop an approach to the organisation of educator to promote a culture of inclusiveness and a sense of belonging. The service provided families with a range of relevant and supportive resources, to strengthen child, parenting and family outcomes and wellbeing. Educators and families were able to share information in an informal setting regarding unique family circumstances, culture, and their child's interests, development, and well-being, to strengthen relationships.
Strong guidance and assistance from the nominated supervisor, educational leader and leadership team was evident, as they provided all educators with access to pedagogical resources that supported the development of a child-centred program. There has been considerable critical reflection on all areas of the service. This process has become embedded as part of an ethos of continuous improvement, which has prompted a shift in organisational culture and reflective pedagogical practices. The service engaged in ongoing critical reflection to further enhance the health and safety outcomes for children, which included regular reviews of incidents to reflect on and improve practice. Educators and the leadership team regularly reflected on the implementation of the Child Safe Standards, through reference materials from credible organisations, day-to-day conversations and scheduled meetings. The high-level skills and knowledge of the educational leader were consistently utilised across the service, to mentor, inspire, and share information with educators. Regular engagement with the Glen Education educator network, the leadership team and the educational leader, provided opportunities to strengthen pedagogical knowledge. The educational leader worked across all of the Approved Providers’ services, who provided a consistent, unified approach to striving for a high-quality program and practice amongst the team. The commitment to the ongoing improvement of the service, was valued by all.
A suitably qualified and passionate staff team were supported by strong leadership and governance arrangements, that provided consistency and helped to build strong relationships with children and families. Dedicated educators engaged with families and the community, to obtain information and utilise their vast range of skills to strengthen the program available to children, whilst ensuring the needs of families in the community were advocated for and affirmed. Intentional teaching practices were visibly embedded, and relevant to the children's current interests. All children appeared confident and competent in the environment, as educators consistently provided opportunities for children to make decisions and demonstrate a sense of agency within the program.
The children’s spaces promoted flexible use, interaction between indoor and outdoor spaces and each child’s active participation. The indoor and outdoor play areas were designed with careful thought given to children's learning and engagement in the program. Flexible environments allowed children to self-select equipment and explore different environments, to extend their learning throughout the day. The physical environment was stimulating and designed in a way that was consistent with the service philosophy and encouraged effective program delivery. Both indoor and outdoor learning environments demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting sustainability and building children’s connection to the natural environment, through the use of recycled, open-ended and natural materials. Educators embedded these values across the service, providing all children with opportunities to engage in natural environments and the elements, including living plants and natural resources. Children were settled and engaged in inviting and meaningful environments that promoted, engaged, and sustained children's learning