Glen Education Glover Street

Joy is the Essence of Learning
Rachael Gemmill, Early Childhood Teacher
At Glen Glover Street Kindergarten, joy isn't just an emotion—it's the very essence of our learning journey. As we reflect on the role of joy in our young learners' lives and ours as educators, let's dive into the vibrant tapestry of joy that we've woven together this year.
What is Joy?
As expressed by our wise young minds:
"Joy means happy." — Sophia, 5 years old.
"Fun." — Charlie, 4 years old.
"When I play with Ryan, I feel joy." — Sophia, 5 years old.
"Drawing makes me happy." — Mirela, 3 years old.
"My favourite thing is the swing." — Eva, 4 years old.
And from the heart of our educators:
"Joy is enjoying what you do. For me, working with children is joyful because building a trustworthy relationship with children and families is something I am passionate about." — Jin, educator.
"Playing, learning, sharing their happiness, and celebrating their achievements bring me so much joy." — Bhargavi, educator.
"Learning the environment with the children in our yard brings me so much joy." — Cass, educator.
At Glen Glover Street Kindergarten, joy forms the bedrock of learning. When our children are brimming with joy, their minds are primed to soak up knowledge like sponges. Joyful engagement sparks motivation, prompting participation, questioning, and risk-taking. This delight is evident in the way they eagerly savour morning toasts with friends, embrace gardening adventures in our yard, and craft imaginative solutions while moulding mud pies.
These joyful experiences pave the way for future success, nurturing a positive outlook toward education. Whether it's sharing a hearty laugh over a shared story or beaming with pride at a newfound skill, joyful learning establishes a lifelong foundation for discovery.
For us as educators, the magic happens when we witness the radiance of joy in our children's eyes. Each smile, every spark of discovery, and the bonds we forge make every day extraordinary. Their infectious joy is our driving force, igniting our dedication to teaching.
Seeing a child grasp a concept, knowing that we're fostering trust in families' eyes as they entrust their precious ones to us—these are the moments of unadulterated joy that fuel our purpose.
As we look back on this year's journey, we're blessed with a myriad of joy-infused memories:
When shy smiles turned into trustful friendships, we are learning about empathy and practicing communication skills (EYLF outcome – identity & communication).
When we make and enjoy toasts in the morning, we are feeling a sense of belonging in our kindergarten while practicing self-helping skills. (EYLF outcomes - community & wellbeing)
When we enjoy movement-based activities on the grass, we are practicing muscle strength and body cooperation skills. (EYLF outcomes – wellbeing & learning)
When we build a campfire and making dampers together, we are learning about fire safety and Aboriginal culture. (EYLF outcomes – community & learning)
When we cook and enjoy the harvest from our veggie garden, we are practicing sustainability and learning about life skills. (EYLF outcomes – community & learning)
When we jump in the paddles on a rainy day, we are exploring a sensory experience and investigating the science concepts around rain and water (EYLF outcomes – learning).
Each day presented us with a treasure trove of memories—sparkling eyes conquering puzzles, proud faces writing their names, and laughter echoing through our outdoor quests. These moments affirm our choice of this noble profession and reinforce the significance of fostering a joyful, nurturing environment.
As we look ahead, let's keep cultivating joy together, building an everlasting foundation for happiness and learning at Glen Glover Street Kindergarten.