Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respectful Relationships News

Bullying NO way day was held on Friday 18th August.  Students have been participating in activities across the week to emphasise that we all have a part to play in the fight against Bullying.  These activities are designed so that students will recognise the connections that they have in their lives, and understand how this can contribute to bullying prevention. This stance is not only highlighted during this week.


Cranbourne South Primary School is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment where bullying will not be tolerated. We utilise a variety of different programs and inititives with students and the community to ensure that everyone in our school community be alert to signs and evidence of bullying behaviour, and accept responsibility to report bullying behaviour to school staff.


One of our key strategies is the Prevention 4. This Bully Prevention in Positive Behaviour Support strategy is explicitly taught to students and followed up consistently by staff. 

That's SUSS eSafety challenge

The Daniel Morcombe Foundation have released an online That's SUSS - esafety chalenge aimed at 8 to 12 Year olds. This can be completed with an adult or on their own. Please see the link below to access the animated challenge.