Education News


Nude Food 

Whilst it is not compulsory for students to have 'Nude Food" each day, at CSPS we encourage this practice.

“Nude Food” is really just a fun play on litter free lunches. It’s been estimated that the average school aged child creates about 3 pieces of litter from their lunch box each school day. That equates to around 30kg of waste per child, per year at school. Wow! 

Using the concepts of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle you can send a litter free lunch to school. Litter free lunches should have no disposable wrappers or single use items like cutlery, plastic straws, juice or milk poppers or wrappers such as cling wrap, foil or zip lock bags. 

Students can earn 10 points each time they have a Nude Food lunchbox.  Each day the SET - Sustainabilty Environment Team should collect points in their classroom.

In this way, we can all do our bit to lesson the impact on the environment and eat more healthy food.


CYC City Camp; student recount 

26 - 29th July we attended the city camp. There were so many fun things to do! 

On the first day we took the train in from Cranbourne Train Station and dropped our bags off at the camp.  From here we walked to the Immigration Museum. After exploring the Museum we went on a walking tour of the city. 

That night after dinner we took a tram to the Victorian Night Market.

On the second day we took the ferry to Science Works and the Planetarium. After dinner we took the tram to MSAC and played in the pool.

Our last day we went to the MCG and the Sports Museum before taking the train back home. 

Our camp was absolutely amazing and we had so much fun!  A HUGE thank you to Kendall and Lyndall parent volunteers for helping out at the camp.

By Year 5/6 Students

As part of student voice, the Year 5/6 students were surveyed about their City Camp experience.  These suggestions will be taken on board when planning City Camp for 2025. 

  • City camp was a blast!
  • My legs hurt!
  • I rate the camp a 9 because there were a range of different activities throughout the days
  • It was really fun but we didn't get to sleep too much and that effected the way we felt and how fun activities were
  • I liked it but it was a bit full on because of so many things to do but i still enjoyed it
  •  ... because there was so much walking

Next time ....

  • I think that less walking would be better thats all
  • ...not enough chance for my lollies like in my room
  • more time in our room and maybe a movie night