Attendance Matters 

Attendance Expectations - Partial day events

Students from time to time, may have the opportunity to participate in partial day excursions.  In most cases this will be for sporting events.  

When participating in partial day events, there are certain attendance expectations/steps that parents/carers are required to fol.


Attendance expectations*:

Prior to 48 hours notice before the event:

  • Email the school ( 
  • A member of the principal class will provide confirmation of approval.
  • Phone calls to the school will not be accepted.

On the day (with principal class approval):

  • On departure, notify the nominated CSPS staff member at the event.
  • On departure, call the school on 9782 2999 to confirm that you are not returning your child to school.

On the day (WITHOUT principal class approval):

  • On departure, notify the nominated CSPS staff member at the event.
  • Drop your child at the office, to be directed to their class.

Please email the school if you require clarification of the above process.


*A standard school day is from 9am-3:30pm regardless of the out of school activity students are participating in.