Building and Grounds News


Thank you to the PFA for the new 5P steps. They look magnificent and will remind us daily of the school values of Purpose, Positivity, Persistence, Pride and Passion.

Foot traffic congestion

At a recent School Council, use of exit gates in the afternoon was discussed.  A suggestion was raised about use of another gate, Gate #2 to assist with congestion. For the rest of the term, students will be asked to walk scooters and bikes out of this gate. Staff on Kiss N Go will monitor students exiting and walking alongside families and students who are exiting through Gate #3. Staff will advise students of this new procedure on Monday 21st August, 2023.


Students on scooters and bikes should exit through Gate #2 in the afternoon.

Car congestion 

All schools are challenged with traffic flow during high movement times; CSPS is no exception.  Can we please abide by traffic rules such as only entering a roundabout if traffic flow is still possible.  We share the roads with the public who are having shared difficulty moving from A to B.