Principal Class News

Compass Calendar of Events

School Council has endorsed the change of the Curriculum Day (Pupil Free) in Term 4 from 11th December TO 4th December to facilitate important training for staff that is only available on this day.  We thank you for your support in this change.

School's are dynamic places.  There is an adventure around every corner.  As the Principal class, we use super powers every day:

  • speed 
  • strength
  • dodging 'metaphorical' bullets
  • changing size or shape
  • perform an astounding feat

But superpowers can only get you so far.  It is the charactertics of a superhero that really stand out:

  • Loyalty
  • Creativity
  • Bravery
  • Responsibility
  • Strength of Character
  • Intelligence

But we could not be the superheroes we are without you as our sidekicks.  You are only as strong as the people around you.

We were forwarded this feedback recently by a valued colleague:


Hi Monique and Karen

I wished to express how grateful I am that you and your staff have and continue to always prioritise children’s wellbeing.

I hope that you take a moment in your day to reflect on the important role you play in your school community as a safe and wonderful place to learn and grow.


We think the most important superpower or all for the Principal class is genuine care and every day we lead this with enormous pride and compassion.  

Principal's Day is moe about you, not us... thanks heaps for your kind wishes.

Monique Corcoran and Karen Halket


Official opening of Murrup

On Wednesday 9th August, Members for Bass and Cranbourne, met with CSPS Principal class, School Council President John Barbaressos, and School Captains to officially open the new building.  The members took a moment to speak with the year 5 & 6 students about leadership, the importance of the Murrup spirit and being part of a strong school community.


Message from Jordan Crugnale MP

State Member for Bass

Just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to you, your team, the extraordinarily insightful and worldly school captains, students for a beautiful day.   Everything is so imbued with meaning and purpose, pride and passion. Starting with the Acknowledgement, house names – being elements and how aptly the 5th being spirit

Respectful Behaviour at school

Everyone in the school community has a right to a safe and healthy learning environment and workplace. All school staff have a right to feel safe at work, and protected from any aggression, violence or behaviour that presents a safety risk.  Please refer to the following document for further information.


Kiss N Go and staff carpark

A friendly reminder to families that the staff carpark is NOT a thoroughfare and is not to be walked though at Kiss N Go times.  Safety of students and families is very important to us. Please use the pathways and the crossing to ensure that everyone is kept safe.


We would like to congratulate Mrs Curtois for winning Coach of the Year at the recent FDJFL football awards. We are very lucky to have such a talented sports teacher at our school.

Many students are coming to school and consuming lollies such as spray, sucking and sucking stick lollies.  These are often being purchased from the shop prior to coming to school. These lollies are not appropriate for consumption at school.  Students are reporting to First Aid feeling unwell after consuming these lollies.  As such, we are asking families to not send them to school as part of their child's lunches.  Teachers will ask students with such to take home.  Thank you for your cooperation.