Community Notices

West Lakes Junior
Football Club
Henley High School
Specialist Sport Program
Bouquet features 50 pieces of 2D and 3D artwork. Mediums include- photography, painting, mixed media, sculpture, clay, ceramic, textiles, an outdoor giant inflatable sculpture of cactus flowers, applique flags and a video installation of marine underwater photography - taken near Torrens Island.
Bouquet is open every Friday Sat & Sun till March 19th from 11am- 4pm.
Gallery Yampu is wheelchair accessible and has a wonderful veranda where students could eat their lunch and look out for dolphins too.
SA Dental Service
Asthma Apps for Children
Urrbrae Agricultural
High School
Did you know that melanoma is the most common cancer in 15-39 year olds?
It is the start of another school year and with many weeks of warm weather to come, the Australian Melanoma Research Foundation (AMRF) is again drawing attention to the dangers of overexposure to the sun and the associated risks of skin damage and melanoma. As such, we feel strongly about educating students to be sun safe.
The most important years for sun protection are during childhood. Excessive sun exposure before the age of 18 greatly increases the chance of getting melanoma in later life because damaged cells have more time to develop into cancer. The greatest need for sun safety occurs during the time of year when the sun’s ultraviolet radiation is strongest, namely September through to April in South Australia.
We are inviting all schools to join us and spread the word by student leaders of the school considering the AMRF to be one of their chosen charities when conducting their fundraising activities throughout the school year. We feel this is a very effective way to align with the school policy of wearing a hat & sunscreen.
Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to sun damage because of the amount of outdoor activity typically enjoyed at this stage of life and also their deliberate choice to actively seek the sun to get a tan.
Avoiding over-exposure to the sun is the best defence! Reduce your risk with these simple tips:
- Wear protective clothing: hat with brim, a shirt with sleeves and sunglasses
Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30+ and cover all exposed skin and REAPPLY
Stay out of the sun during the middle of the day (10am—4pm) – seek shaded areas during recess and lunch
For any further information visit our website:
If you would like our latest brochure or any educational materials to assist your fundraising activities
Please email us:
Our annual community fundraising event Melanoma March
is on Sunday 26 March
Come and join us… Why not consider your school forming a Team!
Save The Date and register at
We’d love to hear from you!
Underdale High School
National Karate Academies
Brighton Secondary School
Le Fevre High School
Wednesday 5 April 2017
6pm to 8pm
Little Athletics SA
Athletics SA
Little Athletics SA and Athletics SA have some exciting athletics development programs coming up that your students may be interested in! View below for more information about our SA Athletics Academy and Cross Country & Walks Holiday Development Clinic.
2017 Junior Rugby League Season Commences Soon
Souths Bulldogs Rugby League Club invites any interested players, 6 – 18 to come to a Come’n’Try event
Western Warriors Family day
19th March
From 11:30am
Port Oval, Baynes Place, Port Adelaide
BYO Picnic, Rugby League and family/team activities
You’ll have the opportunity to meet the club coaches for 2017 as well as experience some coaching and minor games. Contact Ash Leak 0438 533 043 for more information