School Sport

SAPSASA Softball
Congratulations to the following students selected in the Port SAPSASA Softball team. The girls will be participating in the State Carnival 3rd April – 7th April. Good luck to all. Caitlin, Holly, Matilda, Charli , Kiarna, Milla, Ashleigh, Klaudia
Milo T20 Blast Cricket
On Thursday March 9th we had a year 6/7 boys and a year 6/7 girls team play in a T20 cricket competition at Grange Oval. Organised by the SACA, 4 girls teams and 8 boys teams battled it out to determine regional champions. The winning teams progress to a state final to be played at Adelaide Oval.
The girls got off to a shaky start with their lack of cricket experience showing. After two defeats the girls got the hang of the game and finished with two wins. Overall this left us in third spot equal on wins but two runs less on aggregate than Hendon. Nazareth was the undefeated champions.
The boy’s team played excellent cricket from the first game. They dominated three of their games and were only challenged once where they won by 15 runs. The lads led by some explosive batting from Davis, Nathan and Byron as well as tight bowling and good fielding by the entire team, were undefeated. Unfortunately Hendon and Nazareth were also undefeated and thus the three top teams by luck of the draw didn’t play each other. The winner was decided by aggregate runs scored on the day, Nazareth scored 1019 to our 829. Our boys were disappointed but can be proud of a second place finish.
Both teams lived our school values of respect, responsibility and persistence throughout the day. A massive thank you to Leonie and Craig Brown who gave up their day to supervise, coach and umpire the boys.
This term students from grades 5-7 have had the opportunity to participate in a sailing programme supported and funded by the federal government’s Sporting Schools programme and the Largs Bay Sailing Club. We are really excited about providing the opportunity for our students to be involved in this programme. 21 students learned to sail on Mondays after school for 3 weeks.
Thanks to the Largs Bay Sailing club for their support.
SAPSASA Swimming
Congratulations to our swim team who competed at the recent Port SAPSASA Swimming Carnival. Largs Bay won the carnival for the 3rd year in a row. There were some outstanding performances which resulted on the following students gaining selection in the Port team which will participate in the State Championships.
Jack Newman, Jackson C, Eliza G, Jake A, BJ C, Willlis L, Naish A, Sarah E, Matilda K, Hunter A.
SAPSASA State Teams
Largs Bay provides the opportunity for students to participate in many SAPSASA events including Cross Country, Athletics, Softball, Cricket, Tennis, Football (AFL), Soccer and Hockey.
Please find attached the 2017 SAPSASA calendar (with Port SAPSASA District events). Fliers will be given to interested students. District events (swimming, athletics and cross country) are limited to students 10 years old (born 2007) and older. SAPSASA State carnival teams are selected from students in year 6 & 7.
12 & Under state team information and nomination process is available on the DECD school sports website.
It is the responsibility of parents to nominate for state teams.
As a guide, nominations for team sports close a few days prior to the first trial and nominations for individual sports close soon after the championship.
The annual district athletics carnival is coming up on Tuesday March 28th, trials are being conducted during lessons and a team will be finalised soon. If any student turning 10 this year or older, missed the running trials held last week and want to try out for the team, they need to let me know ASAP.
We are calling for registrations for School Soccer 2017 to play in the NWJSA competition in term 2 and 3. The focus is on fun and participation. Matches are modified to suit the age of the participants and a coaching clinic is conducted prior to each match for younger age groups. Teams will most likely play all games at West Lakes on Saturday mornings. Senior and Under 12 teams plat at West Beach. Teams will be registered once numbers have been finalised.
Age groups for 2017: Under 6, Under 7, Under 8, Under 9, Under 10, Under 11, Under 12 and Under 13 (Seniors). Teams are formed on the year of birth and not the school grade they are in or friendship groups.
Registration forms were distributed this week or a digital copy can be downloaded from the school website. Forms and payment need to be returned by Friday 24th of March.
PE News
Junior primary students have been working on fundamental movement skills this term. This is done through playing games and practising specific skills. We have worked on rolling, throwing and catching balls as well as jumping and landing.
The 3-7 students have an athletics focus this term. We have covered shot put, discus, high jump and there were optional running trials.
Fitness Testing was conducted at the beginning of the term and the results will be sent to class teachers for distribution next week.
The following students are our BEEP TEST BEASTS in each class:
Year 3
Emma 5.2, Noah 7.5, Abby 6.10, Keemora 4.8, Imogen 4.9, Hensley 6.4 , Nash 6.4
Year 4
Josh 6.5, Sam 9.5, Ava 6.7, Bradley 9.2, Ethan 9.2, Zoe 7.5, Saraya 7.5
Year 5
Hunter 11.10, Marcus 11.4, Alyssa 8.2, Eliza 8.1, Jackson 10.1,
Year 6/7
Taiga 8.11, Jazz 7.8, Naish 12.1, Clarice 9.4, Sarah 8.7, Davis 9.2, Willis 11.1, Laura 7.1
Ian Burge
PE teacher