Classroom News

The Hive
Rooms 10 and 11, otherwise known as The Hive, are participating in a challenge to improve the fitness levels of students and teachers alike. We run on Fridays and log our distances onto a website. We have the goal of running a combined distance to Canberra and back, with individual goals also being set. It may give Mr Tate ideas on how we can reduce the cost of the Year 6/7 camp to Canberra!
Room 5A
Room 5A have settled very nicely into the school routine. In literacy we have been learning about syllables and rhyming words. The children are building their knowledge and are using strategies to help assist them. In Room 5A we have an estimation station. Every week Miss Romeo changes the materials in the jar and the children guess how many objects they think are in there. The closest to the actual amount wins a prize.
Room 4
After Clean Up Australia Day last week, the children in room 4 were very concerned about rubbish getting into the ocean and being eaten by sea animals. We did an experiment to show how a plastic bag can look like a jellyfish bobbing in the water.
The children then came up with some ideas on how we as a class could try and solve this problem. The children decided that they wanted to spend 10 minutes after lunch everyday picking up rubbish in the school yard. They also decided that they would need buckets and tongs to be able to do this.
Room 29
Human Analogues
Room 29 has been putting their measuring skills to good use in a maths challenge.
The children worked in small teams to accurately measure and record human body parts. They then constructed replica body parts and assembled them to produce a scale model of one of their group members.
The groups were highly successful and produced accurate human analogues.
Room 19
This term Room 19 have begun looking at water and its importance to them as an individual as well as on a larger scale as a precious resource. Students have started by brainstorming where water is found, what it can be used for and how they can use it responsibly. Students were then asked to think about water at the local level of their own school. For this, students needed to think about the layout of the school and where water was used. They then drew a map of the school adding in arrows to identify where water could be found and what it was used for.
Room 31
Bike Ed
This term we have started doing Bike Ed. We have been doing fun activities while learning how to ride our bikes safely. We have been taught how to be safe around our bikes. The good thing is that on the first day of Bike Ed the RAA came and fixed our bikes.
We have been following our instructors to learn to ride steady and not fall off. Our class is a healthy class so we really enjoy this and we hope to do it every year. The first thing we did was check our bikes to make sure they were safe to ride.
Riding our bikes is a very good road skill and we hope to learn more about the road. We all like Bike Ed because it gives us exercise and it is good for our health. Our class rode around sharp corners to see if we could turn properly. It is SUPER FUN!