Achievement Awards  

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.

Room 3 - Shelby - For being a caring and respectful member of the class

Room 3 - Blake - For being a responsible class member and always helping others

Room 4 - Evelyn - For being a respectful and caring member of the class

Room 4 - Jarvis - For showing persistence in all areas of his learning

Room 5 - Mason - For taking responsibility of his own positive choices

Room 5 - Molly - For being a respectful class member and helping others

Room 5A - Patrick - For showing respect to teachers and other students in our class

Room 5A - Ashton - For taking responsibility in her morning routine

Room 10 - Kyall - For increasing his levels of responsibility as a learner and citizen

Room 10 - Amber - For a high level of respect for learning and doing her best

Room 11 - Kaitlin - For settling smoothly into The Hive and showing respect towards her peers and teachers

Room 11 - Jacob - For demonstrating responsibility for his own learning

Room 13 - Nicholas - For being respectful to all of his classmates and teachers

Room 13 - Kenzie - For being a caring and respectful class member

Room 14 - Charlie - For being persistent with his work habits and organisation

Room 14 - Lilly - For being persistent with her work habits and organisation

Room 16 - Huei - For being a responsible problem solver in the class

Room 16 - Hamish - For being persistent in his spelling work

Room 17 - Isabelle - For being a responsible learner and trying her best

Room 17 - Isaac - For being a caring and respectful member of the class

Room 19 - Zahra - For being a responsible class member and always offering to help others

Room 19 - Jordan - For demonstrating persistence through his learning

Room 20 - Eve - For showing responsibility in everything she does and being a good role model

Room 20 - Hardy - For showing persistence in all areas of his learning

Room 22 - Liam - For demonstrating persistence in his learning in particular reading and spelling

Room 22 - Abby - For demonstrating responsibility in contributing to classroom discussion

Room 23 - Emani - For demonstrating responsibility in the classroom by always ensuring stationery is put away and chairs are pushed in

Room 23 - Keemora - For demonstrating persistence to consistently self-edit her writing for correct punctuation

Room 26 - Jordan - Showing persistence in all areas of the curriculum to achieve personal success

Room 26 - Sarah - Settling in well to the Zone and continuing to show high levels of respect to all

Room 27 - Chanel - Showing persistence in all areas of the curriculum and striving to achieve success

Room 27 - Jackson - Demonstrating leadership skills and taking responsibility for his own learning

Room 29 - Aida - For demonstrating creativity and persistence when producing a brilliant human analogue in Maths

Room 29 - Leeo - For demonstrating responsibility in Maths by completing all tasks to a high standard

Room 30 - Caleb - For showing respect to all teachers and students in our school

Room 30 - Madison - For showing persistence in all areas and striving to achieve her best

Room 31 -Seth - For showing respect to teachers and other students in our school

Room 31 - Jessica - For showing persistence in her learning

Room 32 - Bailey - For being a reponsible class member and always offering to help others

Room 32 - Gabi - For showing persistence in all areas of the curriculum and always striving to do her best

Room 33 - Xavier - For demonstrating persistence in his Problem Solving in Mathematics

Room 33 - Ava - For displaying responsibility around the class and being a good role model


Indonesian - Room 20 - For being persistent and on task learners


HASS - Room 17 - For great noticing and observation skills when viewing photos from the past


OSHC AWARD - Room 5 - Maddison

For always being kind and helpful to others at OSHC

Principal's Attendance Award

Kane - Room 16