School News

Fruit Trees
The fruit trees planted over 3 years ago are beginning to produce the goods. The local lorikeets have been having a bit of feast on the apples and pears, but Royce and Josh collected the fruit that was still intact. We will wait for them to soften a bit and then offer them to classes to try.
The boys also collected the ones attacked by the birds, grated them (the fruit not the birds) and placed the results into our worm farms. The resulting vermiculture (worm poo) will be used to provide nutrients to the strawberry patch over winter. A sustainable cycle is emerging.
Environment Officers
This year, 36 students applied for the position of Environment Officer within the Largs Bay Leadership Group. In 2015, there was originally only 1 applicant, although the group eventually consisted of 4 members. It was fantastic to see so many students apply and interested in developing a healthy and sustainable physical environment at Largs Bay.
ICAS Tests
(International Competitions and Assessments for Schools)
Each year this school provides an opportunity for students in Years 3-7 to take part in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
The chart below indicates the Competition type, the date of the testing and the cost associated with each competition. The tests are conducted at school and marked at the UNSW. Results are collated from state-wide entries and certificates are awarded as follows.
High Distinction - top 1% for each year level in the state / Distinction -10% / Credit- 20% / Achievement -top 20% in the school and Participation. Students also receive an analysis of their results.
Should you wish your child to take part please complete the tear of slip below and return to school with the appropriate amount before Wednesday 29th March.
Thank you in anticipation.
Bob Bowden