News From the Principal

Dear families,
Governing Council Representatives
At the first official meeting of the year, we formed our new Governing Council team.
I am pleased to announce the following people as our members for 2017.
Chairperson – Caroline Cowen
Deputy Chair – Sharon Mair
Secretary – Sonia Searles
Treasurer –Carly Clough
Staff Rep – Sharon Todd
Parent Members - Fiona Scoffield, Sarah Nash, Kylie Baker, Nicole Hodder, Tina Quitadamo, Kate Thompson, Rebecca Wilkins, Bianca Cochrane, Kate Dyer, Tracy Glazier & Sandra Box. It is great to see some new faces and the passion that all members have for our school and the children. If you have any questions regarding school issues, please feel free to approach any of our members.
School Policies
As a part of the agreed process for keeping our community informed, you will find copies of our Policies relating to Grievance, Dress Code, Behaviour, Bullying & Harassment and Attendance on our school website at:
Please take the time to have a read of these.
After School Play
Please note that children are supervised in the yard by staff until 3.15pm daily and parents are welcome to let their children play provided they are supervised after this time.
Our OSHC staff have a duty of care to the children in OSHC and are not responsible for the supervision of other children.
A reminder also that bikes/scooters/skateboards are not to be ridden in the school yard at any time.
Thank you for your support.
The old timber pergola in Yard B covering the sandpit will be removed in the coming weeks and replaced with a new shade structure.
Following this, we will begin to look at a Nature Play space being created in this area.
Pupil Free Days
Governing Council recently approved our Pupil Free Days and School Closure for this year. They are:
Term 1 – Monday 27th February
Term 2 – Tuesday 13th June
Term 3 – Monday 24th July
Term 4 – Friday 8th December
Term 4 – Friday 3rd November (School Closure)
Clean Up Day
Last Friday, Largs Bay School participated in the Clean-Up Australia Day and we were honoured to have the Minister for Education & Child Development, Susan Close visit and participate in the clean-up of our local streets.
We also had a number of parent volunteers who gave up their time to support us so thank you to them.
I am pleased to say that even though our students collected some rubbish, our local streets were generally very clean.
Thank you to our Student Voice Executive who welcomed the Minister and spoke to the school about the importance of looking after our planet.