Peter Corkill


Dear Parents, Students and Friends of John Monash Science School


We are finally at the end of term three, traditionally a long and tiring term which certainly presents its challenges to students as the winter months stretch out and the first signs of spring still seem far away. But true to form the days are now getting a little longer and brighter, so too the horizon for students who will be looking forward to a welcome break from study. This is equally true of staff, and I trust all members of our learning community take the opportunity to take a well-earned and much deserved break over the coming holiday period.


JMSS Music Soiree

Last week saw JMSS host its eighth Spring Music Soiree to an enthusiastic audience of parents, family members, students and teachers, on the ground floor at JMSS. All were thrilled with the high standard of performances, frankly one of the best of its kind we have seen. When in full flight as they were on that night, the talent of our students is something to behold. I would like to sincerely congratulate Music Co-ordinator Mr Satoshi Sanada, our instrumental music teachers including Mr. Peter Corrigan, Mr Ben Delves, Mr Sean Smyth, as well as our Music Captains for preparing the performances so effectively, and also a huge thanks to Peter Palankay who managed all the sound for the night. Thank you to the parents, family members and visitors for their support of the night.


New Students to JMSS in 2020

We have completed the selection process for Year 10 and Year 11 for 2020, with formal offers made by the end of week 8. We had nearly 1000 students apply for approximately Year 10 200 places, again more than ever before. We also had some 140 students apply for up to 35 places in Year 11. At the time of writing over 200 students have accepted places into Year 10 for 2020, and 34 students will join our Year 11 cohort next year. 


Australian Science Fair

A major highlight in term four will be the annual Australian Science Fair, extending over three days of activity, from November 25th to 27th. This year, to celebrate JMSS’s 10th anniversary, we have invited fellow Science Specialist schools from Adelaide and Brisbane, as well as a state secondary school from every other state and territory in Australia who has a well-known specialism in science. So indeed it is a TRULY Australian Science Fair this year. I would like to sincerely thank our Monash University colleagues for their significant donation of funding to make this possible, especially to help defray the costs of the meals and accommodation for our guests over their three days in Melbourne. We have also invited all of our Regional Exchange students this year to come back to the fair with their projects, as well as all of our ‘Little Scientists’ from Primary Schools across Melbourne. The main exhibition of projects is again on the evening of November 25th. We will send out more information early in term four.


A Chance to Rest, a Chance to Recharge, and a Chance to Prepare

After recent progress reports received by students and parents, regular feedback via assessment tasks, discussions at course-counselling sessions and at recent Parent – Teacher interviews, all students should be in no doubt as to where they are in their learning in each subject, and what they need to do to both consolidate and further improve. The holidays will give students a chance to rest from the demands of term three, which is completely appropriate and should be a key focus. It will also be an opportunity for them to catch up if they have fallen behind in any particular study. 


Finally it will also give students facing important exams early in term four, especially all Year 12 and some Year 11 students undertaking Unit 3, 4 exams, an opportunity to practise past papers and get their revision materials in order. I wish you all well for what lies ahead, and have every confidence in you that you will perform at your best when it counts. Remember that all of the Year 12 Practice Exams will be held at JMSS in week 2 of the holidays – all students should consult the schedule and make sure they are at JMSS at least 30 minutes prior to each exam.

I would like to sincerely thank all members of our community for their wonderful work this term, especially our staff who again have contributed above and beyond. I wish you all a safe and restful break, in preparation for another busy term to end the year. 


And Finally….. We Betchya Didn’t Know That...

Livjot Singh of Year 11 is an Australian Army Cadet!

My name is Livjot Singh and I’m an Australian Army Cadet at 306 Monash Army Cadet Unit (ACU). From a young age, I’ve been fascinated by the army, their vehicles, weaponry and values. 

I was introduced to the cadets through a mate of mine and we joined together in 2015. After my first training night there, I knew I was coming back. 

I love the Army Cadets because of the friendships, skills and knowledge I have formed and developed over the years. Every training night is unique in its own way, we learn new ways of addressing issues with simple and innovative solutions that at first may seem inconceivable, but through active planning and execution of effective planning, we can tackle anything that gets thrown at us. 

My greatest achievement is my appointment as the Company Commander of my unit in 2020. This role will give me a new perspective on how to lead others and myself and most importantly it will provide me with an opportunity to shape the future of our unit.


Peter Corkill
