Principal's Reflection

This year we celebrate and build upon a 115 year history of educating girls in the Brigidine tradition here in Mentone. The first Brigidine sisters arrived by boat from Ireland in Australia in 1883. They were six young, courageous women who left their families behind and responded to a cry for help from Bishop Murray of the Maitland diocese in NSW to establish a school in the area. In the years that followed, Brigidine convents and schools were established in a number of states. In the early 1900’s the sisters once again responded to a call for assistance, this time from a local priest to establish a school in Mentone in order to cater for the many Catholic children who were attending state schools. As a result, what was the Mentone Coffee palace, was purchased by these visionary and courageous Brigidine Sisters in 1904.
And so on the 8th August 1904, St Brigid’s Convent school, which would later be known as Kilbreda College, was officially opened with just three secondary students. As you would expect, there has been significant change over these 115 years.
The paddocks and wide peaceful streets that surrounded the school and along which horse and carts travelled have been replaced with numerous shops, cafes and restaurants. Today thousands of people, cars, buses and trains pass by our historic tower each day.
Student numbers have grown from three in 1904 to well over 900; uniforms and fashion trends have come and gone and buildings have been constructed, refurbished or replaced in order to cater for growing numbers and provide contemporary facilities.
While some of the activities available to students such as music and sport have long been a part of our history many others have been added reflecting a changing society and advances in technology. The curriculum has also changed considerably with an advertisement in 1907 proudly boasting that “the course of instruction includes all the branches of a superior English education, with Latin, French, Class singing, freehand drawing, calisthenics and all varieties of plain and fancy needlework!”
Today students have a broad range of subjects across many disciplines and two senior certificates, the VCE and VCAL, to choose from. The staff have also changed, from being predominantly Brigidine Sisters to now 115 years later consisting of over 120 lay staff, both male and female, and just one Brigidine Sister, Sr Lia Commadeur.
While much has changed significantly over these 115 years what is at the heart of our school community remains unchanged; the guidance and inspiration provided by the Brigidine Sisters and the values they have instilled within us.
From my conversations with numerous past pupils, it is obvious that the College motto, Strength and Kindliness, has remained in with them, guiding them in their approach to life and others, well beyond their years at Kilbreda. Today, this motto continues to inspire and guide both students and staff alike.
Our six College values of Compassion, Courage, Hope, Hospitality, Justice and Wonder embody the Brigidine core values that have been ever-present. As members of the Kilbreda community, whether past or present we are called to live out these values in our daily interactions with others.
As we journey through our 115th year together and in the years ahead, I hope that all members of the Kilbreda community, both past and present, will continue to honour the Brigidine Sisters who established our great school, by living out each of the core values they have instilled in this community.
With every blessing,
Nicole Mangelsdorf