Year 9 Career Action Day

Last week all Year 9 students were involved in a Careers Action Day. The day was designed to assist students entering part time work and preparing them for their future aspirations.


During the day students developed a Career Action Plan, learned valuable job searching skills, heard from recruitment experts about creating perfect resumes and took part in a mock interview.


The day was a huge success and the Year 9 students are to be congratulated on their efforts during the day.

Early Entry Programs at ACU - Community Achiever Program (CAP)


As a Year 12 student, do you demonstrate leadership in your school or workplace, coordinate a community initiative, volunteer in a local cultural, sporting or religious group or provide care to someone in need?


ACU's Community Achiever Program is designed to acknowledge commitment to our local communities. The Community Achiever Program (CAP) recognises a students’ potential to achieve great things.  A successful CAP application means a student could receive a provisional university offer as early as August to study at ACU.


Being part of this CAP group also offers successful students unique opportunities to enhance their leadership and volunteering skills, while they study at ACU.


Should an application be successful, the required ATARs would be as follows:

  • Law and dual Law degrees - ATAR 70.00
  • Physiotherapy*- ATAR 70.00
  • Occupational Therapy* - ATAR 65.00
  • Paramedicine in Victoria* - ATAR 58.50
  • Speech Pathology* - ATAR 65.00
  • ALL OTHER degrees 58.50

* Numbers are capped


CAP applications to study in 2019

  • Open – Tuesday 1 May, 2018
  • Close - Midnight Tuesday 31 July, 2018
  • Offers released by end of August, 2018

Students are encouraged to start gathering their required documentation now to submit with along their application. Failure to meet all the requirements for the CAP will result in not being considered for the program.


La Trobe University Scholarship Opportunities for Athletes

Scholarships can reward high achievers, encourage diversity and support the disadvantaged.   Each year La Trobe University offers a diverse range of scholarships with a combined value in excess of 3 million dollars.


Recently, Latrobe announced a range of scholarships for new and existing students involved with the La Trobe Elite Athlete Program (LEAP).  Over 30 new athletes, who compete in sports ranging from athletics and swimming, to aerial skiing, will all receive a range of benefits such as academic support and access to funding as part of their membership to the program.


To learn more,  why not visit:



Tim Kogelman and Craig Harris

Careers Coordinators