Senior School  

Senior School Report

It is at this time of year that we notice that our Senior School students become a little ‘flat’ and not as engaged in their work as in previous terms.  Ironically, it is at this time that they need to work their hardest and ensure that they are consistently studying.  We encourage our students to find a motivation to help them through this difficult time; this may be a future career opportunity, an open day, a course which sounds interesting, even a little bit of healthy competition with friends! 


They might struggle and they will find content and skills difficult to master.  However, they have people eager to support them and see them achieve their best.  At the end of the year, the results should reflect that our Senior School students – be they in Year 10, Year 11, or Year 12 – did their best.  If our students can leave here every day saying that they have done their best then, we are very pleased with that.


Unit 4 Studies and Revision Sessions

In preparation for the final VCAA exams in November, students completing Unit 3&4 studies can expect that their work rate will increase, reflective of the need to complete both course work and regular revision in preparation for those exams.  We ask that parents / guardians are supportive of this increased work rate; should you have concerns about the progress of your child, please contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator.


Students have been provided with their VCAA exam timetable and should put these dates into their planner to best assist in their organisation and preparation.  Students have also been provided a copy of VCAA’s Exam Navigator, which provides details of the rules surrounding their exams, such as the need for photo identification, permitted materials in exams and other VCAA exam policy.


Over the coming weeks, students will be provided information about revision sessions conducted over the Term 3 holidays.  Students are strongly encouraged to make the most of these sessions to assist them to do their best in their exams.


Chris Knight

Assistant Principal