Year 8 Probability Fair

The Year 8 Probability Fair will be held from Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 November at lunchtime in the  School Hall.


The Probability Fair is where Year 8 students get to present their chance based games they have been working on to produce in their Maths classes this term.


The Home Groups undertaking this task on the following days are:


Monday 26 November:  7I, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8I

Tuesday 27 November:  8B, 8C, 8H, 8L, 8M

Wednesday 28 November:  8A, 8D, 8J, 8K


Parents and Guardians are welcome during these lunch times to attend the fair and play the students games.


We ask that parents and guardians attending, return the letter sent home with their child to the child’s Mathematics teacher.


If you are attending, please arrive at the Main Office at 12:00 pm.


Liz Rundell

Head of Mathematics