Semester One

Off to a Flying Start

Welcome to 2019!

We have been very impressed with how the students have settled into the new school year and have been building strong foundations for 2019. Our Year 5 students have transitioned very smoothly and have very quickly become active participants in our learning community. 


We have spent time establishing our routines, agreements for behaviour and systems for documenting studentlearning and feedback in order to support a successful year of learning. 


We look forward to meeting all of our families during our Goal Setting Conferences in Week 5 and 6 and to partnering with you during the year to maximise your child's growth. 


This year, Fisher has six classes with students given many opportunities to work across the whole building during targeted workshops, Arts and Technologies units and multi-disciplinary inquiries. We have high expectations in regards to students' approaching their learning in a positive manner and always aiming high to achieve their best. We have been impressed so far with their goal setting, collaboration and creativity.  Well done everyone!



The Fisher Team is passionate about motivating our students to achieve their best. We love having fun and enjoy being creative with the engaging learning experiences we provide.


Our team works collaboratively across all six classes, using a wide range of formative assessments and data to provide targeted learning to cater for the needs of all our students. A regular assessment cycle ensures students are not 'falling through the gaps'. We provide explicit and timely feedback, involving students in this process to make the ‘next step’ in their learning clear. 


We have high expectations and encourage our students to be proud of their progress. As our students are in their important last years of primary school, organisational skills and knowing how to be a successful learner are vital. Thus, we focus on developing the skills and confidence necessary in becoming reflective, independent learners who know how to set goals and work towards achieving them.


Upper primary students become increasingly busy during the year, with many events and deadlines. Students are encouraged to make use of their online calendar by recording all commitments, in and out of school, in order to begin learning to manage and balance their school and home life. As this may be new to some students, we would appreciate your assistance by checking their usage.


We are delighted with the teamwork and approaches to learning that our students have already shown us and we are looking forward to an awesome year ahead!


If you have any questions, concerns or would like to arrange a meeting you may contact us via the email addresses below. 


Fisher 10:

Fisher 11:

Fisher 12:

Fisher 13:

Fisher 14:

Multidisciplinary Support

Specialist Support:

