MAP News

Robotics MAP First Lego League Competition

The community project for MAP Robotics this semester was participating in the First Lego League competition. Congratulations to the team representing McClelland, they did an amazing job! Also a big thank-you to Ardoch for their continued support and generous donations to the MAP Robotics program.


After arriving at the Swinburne University campus in Wantirna, Oberon, Euphrates, Charlie, James, Bailey, Gabe and I got straight to work on our robot. After a quick practice run, we participated on our first official run. Only two people were allowed to stand at the table, and whenever anyone touched the robot, points were deducted. After an embarrassing 60 point run, we shambled off to a two minute snack break before going downstairs to be judged on our core values. Next, we went back upstairs for another quick practice session. Round 2: Our code actually worked, and we scored a whopping 190 points and landed in 6 th place. We had a big gap for lunch and relaxing. We also watched other teams take different approaches to the challenges. After our lunch break we got judged on the design of our robot. Our team showed the judges our robot, attachments and code. We got another two practice sessions and then it was time for Round 3: Where the result is unknown. We wait in anticipation for the results of the judging. Miss Spencer, Miss Riley and Mr Power said that they were all very proud of our team and what we achieved. Oberon said that everyone was nice, and there was a fun atmosphere. Overall, the experience was enjoyable and we learnt a lot from it. – Jeron Street.