
Year 12 Mathematics Applications and Methods

 Alan Sadler is a well-known presenter at Mathematics conferences and workshops and is the author of our ATAR Mathematics textbooks. We were fortunate to host two visits by Mr Sadler this month to conduct after-school exam boost workshop for our Year 12 Mathematics Applications and Methods students.

On Friday 6 September the renowned author of our textbooks, A.J. Sadler, came to explain some exam techniques and revision strategies to mathematics applications and mathematics methods. Not only were we gifted by the chance to meet the face of our beloved maths textbooks (and of course swarm to him to receive his autograph on our textbooks), but we were also shared his wisdom and knowledge on completing and studying for the mathematics methods exam. With the aid of his unforgettable, bright personality and humour, Sadler gave us motivation and a sense of direction for our exams. He reinforced our passion for mathematics and I’m sure his visit will aid us in our upcoming exams. 

Dylan Wemyss - Mathematics Methods


Mr Sadler's talk was great from start to finish. He had a great sense of humour that went well with his presentation and was very open and thorough when answering our questions. He signed our textbooks so that we may one-day make money from textbook rather then loose it.

Bryce Ritchie - Mathematics Applications


The maths workshop with Sadler was an enriching experience for all the maths classes. Sadler provided a great breakdown of the course and some inside information into the processes or documents involved in WACE exam creation to demonstrate how we can effectively structure our study. It was also interesting to put a face to the books we had been studying for the past year and a half ... and get them signed by him.

Tallulah Armenti - Mathematics Methods