Pastoral Care

Holidays can be challenging. Without routine, it's still important to stay healthy and look after yourself.

For some young people, this time of year can be challenging. It can feel as though you've been taken away from your usual routine of school or work and you may not get to see your friends, teachers or workmates as often as you would like to. This can leave you feeling bored, unsupported, upset and sometimes anxious. It’s important to stay healthy and look after yourself. There are a number of ways to help you do this, and we've suggested a few tips below.


Ways could include...

Eating Well

It’s important to have a good balanced diet with less of the bad things (like junk food and lots of sugar) and more of the good things (such as veggies, fruit, whole grains and water). This can help with sleep, energy levels and general health and wellbeing.

Sleep well

Getting a good night’s sleep helps you feel energised, focused and motivated. Developing a sleeping routine can help you sleep much better. To do this, try to wake up around the same time each day, get out of bed when you wake up and go to bed around the same time each night.

Be socially active and get involved

Social relationships are really important to your general wellbeing. Spending time with friends is also really important for keeping and building on existing friendships. Getting involved with volunteer work, hobbies, clubs or committees, or sports can help you feel connected to your wider community while also meeting new people.


Play is important for staying mentally healthy. Devoting time to just having fun can recharge your battery, revitalise your social networks and reduce stress and anxiety.


Activities to try over holidays


Find a casual job

Earn extra pocket money, gain skills and meet new people. Check these tips on how to write a resume and prepare for an interview


Organise and explore

List places you want to visit and things you want to do. Take up a photography course, or find another course that interests you.


Creative projects

Get your creative juices flowing! Revamp your bedroom or create an art piece. Invite a friend over or ask a parent to help.


Get active

Get out on the oval and kick a footy with mates, check out the local skate park or go for walks.



Give back to the community and gain some great experience.

Remember to also look out for your friends and loved ones and check in to see how they are doing. If you are worried about them, let them know that you are there to help.


You can read more tips for a healthy headspace here


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The Pastoral Care Team