Student Reports

Prep E
On Friday Prep E went to visit Harold in the van. First we learnt about our bodies. We have a heart, a brain, lungs and a stomach. Next we learnt about healthy food. We learnt it is important to eat vegetables, fruit, cheese and rice and drink lots of water. Then we met Harold, we got to pat him and we got a sticker. We had fun!
By Mason and Lian
On the weekend I went to the park with my dad. I played soccer. Then we had breakfast.
By Elijah I
On the weekend I went to the swimming pool with Lola. Then I went to get an ice cream.
By Linda
On the weekend I went to see the motorbikes. I had a ride on a motorbike. It was fun.
By Tae Yoon
On the weekend I went to my grandad’s house to play with him. First I built a track. Next I played with my trains. Then I watched TV.
By Charlie
Dear Zoo,
Can you please send me a frog because they catch flies. Please don’t send me a tiger because it might eat me. Can you please send me a puppy because they are cute and small. Please don’t send me a snake because they are slimy and scary.
Thank you!
Love from Lucy
Dear Zoo,
Please can you send me a puppy because they are playful and they lick me at night. Don’t send me a lion because it might eat me.
Thank you!
Love from Olivia
Dear Zoo,
Can you please send me a bunny because they eat carrots and they can jump and hop. Do not send me a lion because it might roar at me.
Love from Vanessa
Dear Zoo,
I would like a cat. I don’t want a dinosaur because it would be too big.
Thank you
Love from Chloe K
Cats vs Dogs
I think that cats are better because they are cute. Cats can climb and they are very clean.
By Avery
Cats vs Dogs
I think dogs are better because they are better at making friends.
By Elijah G
Cats vs Dogs
I think that cats are better because cats can climb trees. I think cats are better than dogs because they are very clean.
By Lola
Cats vs Dogs
I think cats are better because they clean their body with a brush tongue.
By Querey
Cats vs Dogs
I think cats are better because they are more fierce. I think cats are better because they eat mice and they can climb trees.
By Maya
This week we learnt about The Sheriff of 'sh'. Here are some words we found that have the 'sh' sound in them - sheriff, shark, ship, sharp, Sharon, shower, shirt, sheep, shampoo, shell, shout, shine, shy, brush, wash, fish, flush, rush, crush, flash.
By Will, Dante and Anthony
This week we learnt about The Thinks of th. We learnt that 'th' can make a quiet sound and a noisy sound. Here are some words we found that have the 'th' sound in them - this, then, the, they, that, mother, father, brother, think, three, thunder, thick, thorn, thank, third, thin, bath, moth, enthusiasm, Anthony, Thomas.
By Pearl, Tristan and Gabrielle
This week in maths Prep E have been learning to count by 10s and 2s, count past 100, say the number before and after numbers and put numbers in the right order. We counted by 10s using sticks and blocks. We made numbers to 170. We played a game called who has the biggest number. We practised writing our numbers. The Preps used 100’s charts to find numbers and count by 10s and 2s. We listened and danced to counting songs and played with number puzzles. We love Maths!
By Kalinda, Matt, Chloe T and Johnny
Prep B
On Thursday we went to the Life Ed van to see Harold. First we met Jess and Harold and they taught us how to stay clean. Then they taught us about healthy and unhealthy foods. We sorted out foods and stuck to them to the wall! Next we watched a video about Harold and his friends and then we all shared who we would speak to if we were sad. Last we spoke about exercise and sport. We went around the circle and acted out our favourite exercise! Everyone had a lot of fun and a lovely day!
By Elana, Joseph, Nathaniel, Marco and Alexandra
Weekend Recounts:
On the weekend I went to Italian School. First I learnt the sport Bocce, soccer and spaghetti skip. I had lunch and there was a lot of crumbs in my Collingwood lunchbox from my cupcake. Then I got a fake medal. On Sunday I went to Aidan’s party. I had a lot of fun at Clip and Climb. I went on the big big big slide. I nearly went to the top. Then I went home to get ready for soccer. I lost 3-2. I was very shocked. Last I went home.
On the weekend I went to the NGV to do art. I made something like a necklace but we had to sewing first. My Dad picked me up. On Sunday first I went to Thomaiy’s party! It was fun! Then I went with Nikolas, Peter and Paul to Athletics. I got a voucher for being good for Baker’s Delight and I got something for free!
Letters to the Zoo:
Dear Zoo,
Can you please send me a lizards because lizards eat flies. Please don’t send me a crocodile because it might eat me! :(
Thank you,
From Peter
Dear Zoo,
Can you please send me a gorilla. But don’t send me a poisonous dart frog because it will poison me. Can you also please send me a panda.
Thank you,
From Caleb
Dear Zoo,
Can you please send me a koala because it does not bite. Please do not send me a hyena because it might eat me!
From Chloe
Cats Vs Dogs Persuasive Writing:
I think dogs are better than cats because they are playful. And they love people and walks.
I think dogs are better because they can swim with you at the beach.
I think dogs are better because they are playful and cute. They love going for walks.
We have been learning about the King of ‘ing’ and the Champions of ‘ch’
Year 3 & 4 Dendy Cricket Reports
Last week grade 3 and 4 went to Dendy Cricket. Callum and l were in the A boys team our coach was the, legendary amazing Mr. Tobin (The big gun).
Our first game we played was on field A against St. Finbars. Big thank you to Henry Wells for sitting out and scoring. At first we lost the toss and bowled first. When the game was done the umpy said we lost 135 to 70… then thanks to Henry’s scoring the game was overturned and we won by 65 runs. We played 3 more games and made it into the finals, unfortunately we lost in the final.
By John
At the cricket I was in the B team with Thomas, Max L, Max M, Lucas, Will, Charles, Noah, Joe and Rory. We lost our first game against St. Joan of Arc. It was a fun and fair match. Then we played against St. Mary’s Hampton. They were a tough team to play against. On the other hand Thomas was on fire and won us the game by two catches and three wickets in two overs. We all got fifteen runs each excluding one wicket each. In the end it was the best game out of all three.
Next was lunch and we all had a nutritious sandwich. Then we started practising for the next match against St. Josephs. It was a very frustrating game and they didn’t know the rules so they gave themselves around an extra fifteen runs. In the end those fifteen runs won them the game. We were all very disappointed that it was the last game. After our loss against St. Josephs we got stress balls and William got a special mention!
B Team
On Friday the 26th the years three and fours went to cricket. I was team captain of the girls year four B team. We played 3 games and 1 friendly game.
When we got there we saw that there were two huge ovals, we all got really excited and couldn’t wait for our amazing day to start. When we found our pitch we started to practice our bowling. When we saw the team we were playing, we all got really nervous. In the end we all tried our best and we ended up winning! After our first game we all got really confident and couldn’t wait for our next game. For our second game we were all really pumped up. We hit the wickets a couple of times and got a few runs but it all wasn’t enough for a win. We were all still really positive even though we didn’t win. Next game it was really fun we all were really pumped that we could win but really nervous still. After all we won and that was really exciting. Then we had a friendly game which we were happy with because were really tried. We played like a normal game but a friendly game. After that we did a handstand competition. Everyone got a stress ball and it looked like a cricket ball. Thank you all the parents helpers and teachers that helped we all appreciate how you gave up your day for us. Thank you.
Written by Charlie- Grace, Sadie and Scarlett
Last week we went to cricket with the Year 3 and 4 students. First we got ready for our first match. We won by 2 points everyone went bananas we were so excited but Mr Tobin told the team to calm down and think of the other team who lost. Next game was better than the first, we won again it was also very exciting. The people we versed were very competitive and aggressive. Lastly we unfortunately didn’t win but still I told the team we played well and did great. Galilee in the end was versing another team but we didn’t win. I would love to go to cricket again thank you Mr Tobin for organising this fun day.
By Matilda
On Friday the 26th of October the years 3-4 at Galilee went to play cricket for Galilee. Matthew and John were captain and Daniel, Patrick, Jack, Callum, Max, Lachie and Henry were in our A team. We had to be at school by 8.30am.
When we got to the ground where we were playing on we all placed our bags down and started practicing in our teams immediately. Our first game went really well. We had 9 players and we only needed 8 to play, so Henry sat out that game. The umpire got the scores mixed up.
The rest of the games we went well. One of the games we managed to beat the team by 122 runs. After our second last game the manager of the day called all the A teams to sit down and listen to who was in the Grand Finals. Our team really hoped that we were in the last game, we only lost one game. We did!
The game was against St Joan Of Arc. We got destroyed. Their bowlers were bowling fast yorker after fast yorker and their keepers weren’t letting anything past them. We were bowling bouncers that they kept smashing for 4. While batting we were swinging to much. We lost by a lot. After that the people that organised the day gave everybody an advertorial stress ball and sheet.
It was a fun day and I would like to thank the teachers and parents who helped on the day. We really appreciate it.
By Matthew, Daniel and Jack
On Friday year 3’s and 4’s went to cricket we played our hardest. The games were great! On the the on bus we came back with a smile on our face.
By Millie