Student Wellbeing

Friendship Groups
At our recent Friendship Group Session our focus for the session was: Working Collaboratively
Learning Intention: We are learning how to work collaboratively.
Success Criteria: I can work together with a partner or in a group to complete a task.
The students were asked to make a paper bridge using the materials supplied and then to determine how strong it was by placing a plastic cup or cups full of objects on it to hold.
With a partner, they had to work together to decide the design and then make a robust bridge to hold cups of heavy objects.
They were given:
- A4 paper x 2
- Masking tape (only for small use)
- Buttress (what the bridge sits on)
- Heavy item (bolts, weights, rice, pasta)
- Plastic cups
The students loved the challenge and worked so well together to create some amazing models that could hold many cups of rice/pasta.
It was a fun- filled session. Please chat to your child/children about the ingredients that are needed to work in a collaborative way and encourage them to do this in their lives – at home, school, in sporting teams and in the community.
Crazy Hair Day
On Wednesday 14th November, our school will support Cystic Fibrosis Community Care by having a ‘CRAZY HAIR DAY’. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) primarily affects the lungs and digestive system because of a malfunction in the exocrine system that’s responsible for producing saliva, sweat, tears and mucus. There is currently no cure.
People with CF develop an abnormal amount of excessively thick and sticky mucus within the lungs, airways and the digestive system. This causes impairment of the digestive functions of the pancreas and traps bacteria in the lungs resulting in recurrent infections, leading to irreversible damage.
From birth, a person with CF under goes constant medical treatments and physiotherapy.
Children with cystic fibrosis are able to participate in most if not all school activities, but some considerations do need to be made to ensure their health needs are met while they are in our care.
Individuals are impacted very differently by this condition.
Cystic Fibrosis Community Care raises funds to support patients and their families who have Cystic Fibrosis, as well as supporting continued medical research into this chronic condition.
We would like the students do something CRAZY with their hair prior to coming to school e.g. spray with colour spray, braid, add clips, ribbons, crimp or wear a wig.
We will ask each child to bring a gold coin donation on the day, to enter the fun and we will have a parade @ 9.00am.
This will not be a competition, just a fun way to support Cystic Fibrosis Community Care.
Thanking you in anticipation of your support and any queries please contact me.
Julianne Price
Student Wellbeing /Student Services Leader
Ph. 96992928