Learning and Teaching

Mathematics at Galilee
Jane Ferris
Following analysis of our 2018 school NAPLAN results, we are very proud and pleased that Galilee is situated in the top 25% of like schools in the state in terms of achievement and growth in Numeracy.
Across the curriculum, the highest growth demonstrated by our children is in Numeracy. One of the initiatives which have led to this wonderful outcome is our Number Intervention programme. The vast majority of children receiving intervention since 2017 have demonstrated medium to high growth in Number. We are very proud of each of our students, as well as the teaching staff, Learning Support Officers and parents who have contributed to the programme.
Number Intervention is an initiative which Mr Millar introduced at the end of 2016, as one way of improving our school results in Mathematics. I was appointed to train in Catholic Education Melbourne’s Prep-Year 4 Number Intervention training programme. Through the training, I learned about the Learning Framework in Number (LFiN), a progressive way of teaching Number which targets children at their specific point of understanding and builds upon their learning in a logical manner.
During 2017, the impact that intervention based on the LFiN was having on the children I was teaching was very noticeable from the start. I began to train our Learning Support officers in the programme, so that we could reach more children across the school. Soon after that, some of our parents joined the team and the number of students we were reaching grew to 45 by the end of 2017. The impressive progress of each of those 45 children and the increase in confidence in Maths in each of them was marked.
By Term 3 of 2017, I was so impressed by our results that I began to work on ways of introducing the LFiN into daily classroom teaching, so that every child could benefit from this fantastic pedagogical tool. We looked for nearby schools who might be interested in forming a ‘Collective’, where we could learn together and share resources and ideas. St Mary’s in St Kilda and St Joseph’s in Hawthorn teamed with us, we applied for funding, and so our Collective professional development of classroom teachers began this year. We have focused on the Junior classroom teachers this year and will include and focus upon the Senior years in 2019. Teacher feedback about the Collective professional development has been very positive, and wonderful improvement has been noted in the Junior classes. We look forward to continued and growing success in 2019!
To read more about our Number Intervention successes, follow the link to my 2017 report.
Galilee Art Show
Galilee Art Show
Thursday 15th November 2018
Maguire Hall 5-7pm
The Galilee School Art Show is a chance for the students to showcase their year in Art.
It is the most popular night on the school calendar and in 2018 we are hoping to make it another enjoyable night for our whole school community.
You will also be able to order cards with your child’s art work printed on them, they make beautiful gift cards and invitations.
There will be refreshments and food vans to enhance your viewing pleasure. Please be sure to mark it in your calendar so you can come along and enjoy!