Principal's Report

Dear Families,
This week Year 12 students began their VCE exams with English on Wednesday. Over the next month, they will conclude thirteen years of formal education. The students will be graded with an ATAR score that will assist those wishing to attend university with an enter score. My son Caleb, is currently attending St Bede's College, Mentone (it has been a wonderful school for our son). My son will also be marked with an ATAR score on Friday December 14, 2018. Throughout my son's education, he has participated in many pursuits which include: athletics, AFL, debating, Masses, Retreats, Drama, public speaking, social justice initiatives and much more. I am very proud of my son who has developed into a caring and intelligent young man who has many friends and interests, is respectful to others and cares about those in need. He also has excellent negotiation skills (particularly when asking me for money). Importantly Caleb has developed a real interest in learning which will carry him throughout the next phase of his life. An ATAR score is important but it will not define our son. I wish everyone luck who has a daughter or son currently completing VCE.
Today's Preps will complete Year 12 in 2030 and I wonder what type of careers may be on offer? It is important that the students learn skills and attitudes that can be adapted to a variety of careers.
I recently read an article in the Financial Review from Dan Tehan, the Education Minister. He has included details about the future inclusion of USI (unique student identifiers) to be introduced that will make it easier to track the NAPLAN progress of students who move interstate. Also is information that an extra $4.6 billion has been injected into Catholic Education and we are hopeful that this will prevent the concerns we had previously with future funding for our schools. Critics have also argued the My School website works against NAPLAN by giving parents a tool to compare schools, when the test is meant to reveal individual performance only. We analysed the individual growth of our students from Years 3 - 5. In Number, we achieved high results and growth. A key feature of Number was the excellent growth for students who require support, which can be attributed to our introduction of Number Intervention (with Jane Ferris and our LSOs). Please note that Growth occurred in Number across all levels of achievement. Our results in Reading showed that excellent growth has particularly with those needing support, which can be attributed to our Reading Recovery Program with Mrs Grillo. Our Writing results show an even spread of high Growth across students. We have attributed areas that need additional attention as Spelling and Grammar & Punctuation. In 2018, we introduced SWST Spelling test and together with Soundwaves. We will examine further our teaching practices to strive for even better growth from our students.
Year 6 Transition
Tomorrow our Year 6 students head off to the city to complete our Amazing Race. I'm fortunate to be participating and look forward to the adventure. It provides the students an opportunity to travel throughout Melbourne in a supervised manner. It is designed to prepare them for secondary school where many of our students will be required to travel on transport independently for the first time. We hope the thunderstorms hold off and we look forward to an exciting day.
Friday Lunch Orders
A reminder that Prep-2 students are not to have a lunch order tomorrow as they will be at swimming.
Also, lunch orders will not occur on Friday 16 November due to the Galilee Swimming Carnival.
Year 2 Camp
On Thursday 18th October, the Year 2 students had their overnight camp at school. The camp consisted of a delicious pizza dinner, movie and a night walk around the school on the Thursday. On Friday, the students participated in various sporting activities and enjoyed a healthy picnic lunch at Sol Green. Thank you to our dedicated staff Brighid Fahy, Holly Burke, Cassandra Smith and Joss Coaley for planning and supervising the camp.
Allergy Awareness
The Prep, Year 1 and Year 3 students attended an Allergy Awareness talk on Friday 19th October with Jackie Nevard from My Food Allergy Friends. The students learnt about different foods that can cause allergies, signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction and what to do in an emergency. They were also given some good advice to help others who have food allergies.
We have 5 ways to help:
1 - Don’t share food with people that have allergies
2 - Don’t touch other people while eating
3 - Wash your hands after eating
4 - Tell an adult or teacher if your friend is having an allergic reaction
5 - Include your friends that have allergies
School Fees
Thankyou to the families who have made contact with the school and arranged for a payment plan (still to reconcile school fees). We will always look after those who are experiencing genuine financial hardship. We aim to have all school fees paid prior to a family leaving the school. We are unfortunately carrying a debt from some who have previously left Galilee without finalising fees. In 2019, our policy will be altered to ask anyone unable to make a first payment (usually in March) to go onto a payment plan to ensure regular payments. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns over this change.
2019 Classes
If parents have concerns, for social reasons, over classroom placements of their child with another peer, they are asked to send the request to Mr Millar in a hand-written letter to the Office, by no later than Friday November 9th (including the reason). These requests will be kept confidential but there is no guarantee that all can be accommodated. Classroom placements are based upon student friendships and the needs of each individual. Teachers are yet to be given placements for 2019 and requests for teachers by parents will not be considered.
Lost child glasses
If you have found a dark coloured glasses case with a pair of black framed child size glasses, can they be returned to the school Office.
Simon Millar
Principal of Galilee