Lucie Hill
Library Technician
BOOK WEEK 20th - 24th AUGUST
Ahoy therrr, mee Hearties!!
Book Week is nearly here and Kingswood Primary School is ready to celebrate with everyone. The theme for Book Week is set by the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA), and this year it is 'Find Your Treasure' The theme is based on a famous quote by the wonderful Walt Disney, which I have included in this Newsletter.
The Library has turned into a Pirate's Paradise where you can work out what your Pirate Name is, borrow books from the Pirate Ship, read some Pirate Jokes or you can do a Pirate Word Find just for fun.
During Book Week there will be a competition to Guess How Many Minties are in the Jarrrrr. (Get that? Jarrrrrr) The prize will be a $20 Scholastic Book Club Voucher.
The highlight will be seeing the student's writing on display in the class books that are being made. Each grade will be making a book of A Treasury of Stories, written by the students. I would like to invite all parents and caregivers to come see these books that will be on display in the library during Book Week.
The winners of the CBCA Shortlisted books will be announced on Friday 17th August, so there will be a display of the winning books in the various categories too.
Happy Reading.