The Green Team
Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins
Sustainability Team
Nude Food Tuesdays
We are very excited to see how many families are remembering to pack nude food lunches every Tuesday. We have a school leader board and the class who has brought the most nude food lunches by the end of the term will win a fun experience for the whole class. If you are finding it difficult to pack nude food lunches, here are some tips that might help:
- Use containers instead of cling wrap or zip lock bags for items such as fruit, vegetables, sandwiches etc.
- Buy yogurt in a large container and then pour it into smaller containers and pack a spoon for lunches. If your kids like the squeezy yogurt pouches, you can buy refillable squeezy pouches from many websites including this one:
- pack reusable cutlery instead of disposable cutlery.
- Buy snacks such as chips, tiny teddies, biscuits etc. in a a large packet and then put them into containers for school.
Food Waste at School
We have noticed that many students are not eating all of their lunch each day at school. Students are throwing half eaten food into the bin at school or are taking home food in their lunchbox to throw out. Recent research as found that on average, each student throws out 3kg of avoidable food waste each year at school. For Kingswood, this means we are throwing out close to 2,000 kg of food per year!
Lets work together to reduce this food waste by talking to our students about it at both home and school. Check out this article for more information.
War on Waste
The War on Waste season two is on ABC at 8:30pm on Tuesdays. There is a big focus in this season on the waste created by schools. You might like to tune in to learn more about it. It is also available on iView to watch anytime. Older primary school age students might enjoy watching this too but make sure they have parental guidance!
National Tree Planting Day
On Saturday 28th July we joined local community groups to participate in National Tree Day hosted by Parks Victoria and Friends of Braeside Park. It was great experience not only working together to plant trees but learning about Braeside Park and how we can contribute to looking after it for years to come.
We look forward to working with Parks Victoria and Friends of Braeside Park in the future. We are hoping to have these organisations visit Kingswood Primary School to further educate our students on the plants and animals that live there.