Visual Arts

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teachers
PRINTING with Year Ones
Using a wide variety of man-made objects such as drink bottles, toothbrushes, pen lids etc. The Year Ones learnt how to print using a paint pad. They looked at emotions such as 'happy', 'sad', 'surprised', 'scared' and many more. Choosing colours and shapes that would help the audience to feel these emotions. Have a look at these examples and try to work out from the colours and shapes what emotion the Artist was aiming for. Well done to the Year 1 children for creating art with a purpose.
1B - Amber, Justin and Luke
1H - Mia, Sarah and Toby
1S - James, Luca and Stefan
1M - Ashton, Nevon and Rhia
Could you please continue to save these items for the Art Room?
1. Adult socks for puppetry
2. Cardboard milk cartons
3. Flower boxes: see website for photo
4. Polystyrene meat trays
If you send along a large amount of resources, could you please put your name on it so that we can thank the appropriate people.