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Burgers for Brain Cancer
Kelly Sports
Do you have kids that are really keen on sport?
What about someone at home that needs to get a bit more exercise?
Do you want your kids to participate in a sports program that is well-run, convenient and priced at only $12/week?
Kelly Sports are offering a “Multi Sport Program” on Tuesday afternoons where we do Soccer, AFL, Netball and Basketball, which all take place at Kingswood Primary School.
No need to drive off to this place or that. In fact, the kids can come straight to the session after school, and you won’t need to come at all for another hour. On top of that, they will be happy because they will have had a great time in their session.
Go on, there’s no harm in giving it a go! For more details go to and search Kingswood P.S. We take kids of all ages and abilities, with a particular focus on kids from prep-year 4.
I hope to see you in a Kelly Sports clinic soon.