Principal's Report

by David Lord

Engaging students with their interests and passions

One of the most pleasing things about being back on site this term has been seeing students reengage with their passions and interests at school. We value this greatly alongside academic learning. During this term students have performed in the ‘S’ Factor, played in sporting teams, joined lunchtime clubs such as Nicky’s Nails and prepared for debating just to name a few of our activities. These activities allow students to connect as part of smaller communities within our school where they can develop strong positive relationships with other students and staff. It was also great to meet parents involved in our Parenting in a New Culture workshops this week. These things are all a very important part of our culture and it is great to see them back. 


Parent, Teacher, Student conferences

In 2021 we are working hard to ensure students use their strengths to thrive inside and outside the classroom. In our weekly walks into classrooms we have seen a lift in students completing work in their interactive notebooks using our school “High Impact Strategies’ for learning. Our upcoming Parent, Teacher, Student conferences are a great way to celebrate student successes so far, look at the next steps forward and renew our partnership with our parents and carers. I am excited that we will be returning onsite for these conferences on: 

  • Wednesday 31st March - 4pm-7pm
  • Thursday 1st April - 9am-12:50pm


It is important to note that Wednesday 31st March will be a normal school day before the conferences in the early evening. It is very important that students attend on this day. On Thursday 1st April there are no schedule classes and only conferences. 


More information on booking conferences will be sent out through Xuno and later in this school newsletter.






We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.