Education in Faith

Passion (Palm) Sunday of the Lord


This week we celebrate Palm Sunday when we remember how Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by crowds of people who waved palms and shouted “hosanna”. We also hear how Jesus was arrested and crucified.


Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. During this week, we prepare ourselves for Easter by prayerfully reflecting on the events of Jesus’ passion and death. During this week, let us as a family display a crucifix in a prominent place as reminder of the salvation that Christ won for us. This can also serve as the focal point for family prayer during Holy Week.


Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by crowds of people. They waved palm branches and shouted “hosanna”. 

  • Why do you think that the crowd did this?
  • How would you welcome Jesus if he arrived here today? 
  • How can we welcome Jesus into our lives?


Jesus was arrested and handed over to Pontius Pilate. Pilate tried to release Jesus but the crowd shouted for him to release Barabbas and crucify Jesus. 

  • Why do you think the crowd did this? 
  • How do you think Jesus felt when he heard the crowd shouting?


Pilate sent Jesus to be crucified. The soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’s head. They hit him and spat at him. 

  • How do you think this made Jesus feel?


They made Jesus carry his cross to the place where they would crucify them. The cross was heavy and Jesus struggled to carry it so the soldiers made someone help him. 

  • Can you remember the name of the man who helped Jesus? 
  • How do you think Simon of Cyrene felt while he was helping Jesus to carry his cross?


We all know that we are supposed to help other people, but how often do we actually do so? When was the last time you helped someone? What did you do?


Do you think it was easy or hard for Simon to help Jesus carry his cross? Why?


It is sometimes very easy to help people – we know exactly what to do to make them happier or to solve their problem. Sometimes it is very difficult to help people – others may laugh at us or think that someone is not worth helping. Or it may be that we do not know how to help them.


Discussion Starters:

What do you remember from the first gospel reading this week? 

What do you remember from the second gospel reading that you heard today? 

Were the crowd still pleased to see Jesus?

Why did the elders and chief priests arrest Jesus?



Prayer: Christ Jesus, show us how to welcome you into our lives, as you were welcomed into Jerusalem. May we never turn away from those who need our help? God of life and light, teach us how to help others and to live our lives in your love. Amen.


Sacramental News 

Congratulations to 75 of our children who received their First Reconciliation last night at St.Kevin’s Church. It was a pleasure to witness our families present their children with reverence to a priest to receive this Sacrament.


Fr. Desmond and Fr. Anil were very impressed with the children response to the prayers and Liturgy. We thank all our parents and families for supporting them on this special journey of Faith.


Also a special “THANK YOU’ to families who adhered and respected the COVID guidelines. We really appreciate your support.


Sacramental Dates

Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6


Family Workshop:

Wednesday May 26th at 7:00pm at SFS.         


First Eucharist  

Sunday 20th June at 11.00 am St. Kevin’s Church.

Reconciliation for Eucharist Candidates on Wednesday June 9th 1pm at SFS.



Family Workshop: Wednesday May 26th  at 5:00 pm at SFS. 


First Eucharist  

Sunday 20th June at 9.00 am  at St. Kevin’s Church



Family Workshop: Tuesday August 31st 7 pm at SFS.



God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose


St Kevin’s Parish  Palm Sunday Walk

Saturday 27th March at 3.30pm

Where: We will gather in front of the church for instructions and opening prayers before walking the nearby streets, pausing occasionally for prayer and reflection, before returning to the church in time for 5pm Mass.

Theme: Are we there yet?

Enquiries can be directed to Candice 0425 843 787 or Denise 0420 200 266.

Everyone welcome!

Please note:

  • Each attendee is asked to do a symptom self-assessment prior to leaving home and not attend if they are unwell or have been instructed to isolate or quarantine
  • Please carry a fitted-face mask with you, which must be worn in the event you are unable to social distance
  • Attendees must maintain at least 1.5m physical distance between those from other groups at all times
  • Attendees are requested to sign in using the QR code or the record book in the church foyer

In keeping with current government regulations at this time, this event has been registered as a COVIDSafe public event. As per DHHS guidelines, please find attached the completed registration form/checklist submitted for this event. Victoria Police have also been notified.






Once again a big thank you to the Mini Vinnies for giving up their lunchtime to collect and count the money donated to Project Compassion.


What a fantastic effort by everyone!! The total amount we have collected so far is $!!! The result for the end of this week is:


1st              Patrick                $120.40

2nd             MacKillop         $119.80

3rd              Teresa                $84.60

4th              Bosco                 $43.40


Thank you to everyone for their contributions and support! Well done  for this week. Let’s see who is leading next week. 


This week’s video shares the story of Halima from Bangladesh: 


A big thank you to all the families who have taken Project Compassion boxes home and a reminder that they need to be returned to the office by Monday 29th March. If you would like the money you collected to go towards your child’s House please indicate your child’s House on the box. 


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies