Parish News

Thursday's Gospel 1st of April

Thursday of the Lord's Supper

John 13: 1-15

Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. 

Liturgical Year: B

Friday's Gospel 2nd of April

Friday of the Passion of the Lord

John 18: 1-19: 42

He had always loved those who were his in the world, but now he showed how perfect his love was.

Liturgical Year: B

Saturday's Gospel 3rd of April

The Easter Vigil

Mark 16: 1-7

Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has risen.

Liturgical Year: B

Sunday's Gospel 4th of April

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection Solemnity

John 20: 1-9

The teaching of scripture is that he must rise from the dead.

Liturgical Year: B



We are now celebrating Mass on Saturday at 5:30pm and Sunday at 9:30am please come along and let us celebrate Mass together.

Parish Bulletin

Weekly Bulletins and Parish Information can be found at:

Parish Contact Details

Parish Priest: Fr. John Paul Pasala

Phone Number: (03) 5824 1049



Presbytery Address:

65 Hogan Street TATURA VIC 3616

Church Address:

67 Hogan Street TATURA VIC 3616

Postal Address:

PO Box 110 TATURA VIC 3616

Parish Administration:  Mary Connelly-Gale


Like us on Facebook 

Our FB page is kept up to date with happenings in our parish.  

Parish Pastoral Council

Members: Fr. John Paul Pasala,  Debbie Worm, Matt Cameron, Jasmine De Lai, Ryerson De Lai, Anne-Marie Gray, Matt Nihill & Liza Saddlier.

The PPC meets on the first Wednesday of each month.

Diocese of Sandhurst

Bishop Shane Mackinlay

Chancery Phone:  (03) 5441 2544

Chancery Fax: (03) 5441 8278



Mass Times


Monday: No Mass

Tuesday: No Mass

Wednesday: 9:15am Mass

Thursday: No Mass

Friday: 9:15am Mass



Saturday: 5:30pm

Sunday: 9:30am



Saturday 13th February 11:30am